BUCHAREST—On the occasion of the Club Feroviar & AIF “Railway Days Wider Black Sea Area Railway Investment Summit” in Bucharest, UNIFE, in support of its Associated Member, the Romanian Railway Industry Association, AIF, would like to bring attention to the challenging situation and outlook of the Romanian Rail system with regard to the draft General Transport Master Plan outlined by the current Romanian Government which proposes a drastic reduction in the existing railway lines in the country. Rail is a major driver in the strategic European objective of smart, green and sustainable growth. This is the assessment of the authors of the "World Rail Market Study 2020", which Roland Berger conducted on behalf of UNIFE, the Association of the European Rail Supply Industry. Puoi avere l'esonero totale delle tasse se l'ISEE ha un valore pari o inferiore a 23.000 € o se hai conseguito il diploma di maturità (o la laurea triennale) con il massimo dei voti. Copenhagen, 16 April 2012 – UNIFE, the European Rail Industry, welcomed today the signature of a new Memorandum of Understanding on ERTMS involving the European Commission, the European Railway Agency and the railway associations (CER, UIC, UNIFE, EIM, GSM-R Industry Group and ERFA) during a Danish Presidency event in Copenhagen, which has been jointly chaired by Danish Transport Minister Henrik Dam Kristensen and Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas. This year's edition was the occasion for EU rail suppliers and decision-makers to together address the challenges faced by the industry. è un marchio di The Golden Globe srl dal 1976, tutti i diritti riservati, P.I. 8 talking about this. Following the agreement of the Member States to accept the Commission’s proposal to lift the EU objection to the delisting of three Japanese Railways (JR East, Central and West), the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) calls on the EU negotiating party to make efforts to guarantee market access opportunities for European suppliers in rail transport procurement in Japan. Leaders of the European Rail industry gathered today in Bucharest, Romania on the occasion of the 2015 European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) General Assembly. Digitalisation is one of the major cornerstone of the European Commission’s mandate. On behalf of Transport Day 2013 Supporting Organizations, Philippe Citroën commented, “Transport policies and technologies have already proven their mitigation potential, and the new global agreement represents a unique opportunity to fully encapsulate this potential in order to scale them up.” UNIFE was also represented by Giles Dickson, Vice President Environmental Policies and Global Advocacy at Alstom, in a stream on policy making on sustainable, low carbon transport in the developing world. BRUSSELS—UNIFE and CER actively participated in the first meeting of the EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways, which took place on 27 March in Brussels. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the European Railway Industry (UNIFE) generally welcome the overall approach on the European Commission proposal for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Guidelines reached by EU transport ministers on 22 March. Scadenza rinnovo iscrizione - AA 2020/2021 Si ricorda che il 16/11/2020 scade la prima rata per gli iscritti agli anni successivi al primo. You should therefore not longer wait, which You Danger, that the means not longer available is. BRUSSELS—On 17 December 2013, the TRAN Committee of the European Parliament voted on the Fourth Railway Package. Negli altri casi, dovrai svolgere la formazione prevista dal tuo corso. The Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE), the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP), European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), the International Union for Road-Rail combined transport (UIRR) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) confirm their strong support for the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. Starting with excluding the rail industry from the Green Deal Call under Horizon 2020. Modulo A e B per ASPP/RSPP) puoi richiederne il riconoscimento. The 7th European Transport Research Conference (TRA) took place in Vienna from 16 to 19 April 2018. 2020 has been a year of crisis. UNIFE shares the Commission’s objectives of competitive rail transport in Europe and of the creation of a Single European Railway Area. Prima di procedere con l'inserimento della domanda, . It also indirectly accounts for millions of additional jobs in related sectors. I requisiti sono pubblicati sul sito di ogni corso di studio. richiesta riduzione del contributo di iscrizione da trasmettere a mezzo p.e.c. Europe is the cradle of the manufacturing industry and has been at the forefront of industrial revolutions and technological innovations. Puoi registrarti anche attraverso le credenziali SPID. European Railway Traffic Management System, The European Rail Research Advisory Council, Avenue Louise 221 B-1050 Brussels Belgium, New EU strategy for sustainable and smart mobility gives pivotal role to rail, ERRAC releases Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda, defining new rail sector priorities, STAFFER, rail sector’s blueprint for skills officially launched. Today, 19 March 2013, the Platform for the Electrification of Surface Transport is holding its maiden event at the Hotel Renaissance in Brussels, starting at 18.30. I TOLC sono uno strumento di orientamento e di valutazione delle capacità iniziali. BRUSSELS—European Commission President José Manuel Barroso greeted CEOs and leadership of seven public private partnerships set up under the EU’s new research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020. Per immatricolarti a un corso di studio di Unife, la prima cosa da fare è registrarsi in studiare.unife.it. LUXEMBOURG—Today, the Council of Ministers reached political agreements on the three texts of the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and the European Rail Industry (UNIFE) welcome the publication today of the long anticipated Transport White Paper setting out the EU transport policy for the next ten years including perspectives up to 2050. CER and UNIFE welcome all the efforts made by the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament, under the lead of Wim van de Camp MEP, on its own-initiative report ‘Implementation of the 2011 White Paper on Transport: taking stock and the way forward towards sustainable mobility’, which was adopted today. We're no longer accepting RSVPs for The Gun Violence Prevention Forum 2020. UNIFE has been recognised by the European Commission as a Partner Organisation for EU Gateway | Business Avenues. BRUSSELS—Today, the Transport Council reached a general approach on the Regulation on the European Railway Agency (ERA). The signing of this MoU will be followed by meetings throughout the week between APTA, UNIFE, and their members on a number of topics. In addition to sharing many of the same members, APTA and UNIFE have the common goal of promoting rail and public transportation as a solution to future mobility challenges. LUXEMBOURG—UNIFE—the European Rail Industry Association, on behalf of the 125 organisations promoting the SHIFT²RAIL initiative, lauds the Council of the European Union’s final adoption of the Regulation establishing the SHIFT²RAIL Joint Undertaking. Statistiche immatricolazioniGuarda in tempo reale le immatricolazioni ai corsi di studio Unife. produced biennally it is a trusted source on the current rail market as well as a reliable forecast on the future demand for rail supplies. 23 associations representing European key industrial research and innovation stakeholders, call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to develop an ambitious next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme (FP9) as a strong support for EU industrial leadership. read the full statement here. Peter Jedelhauser, former Head of the Gotthard North South Corridor Project at SBB, and Renzo Simoni, former CEO of AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd accepted the award on behalf of the European workforce who brought the project to life. Duration: December 2019 - February 2023 Budget: 2 249 897 EUR Partners: 16 Contact: jose.bertolin@unife.org The European rail sector, represented by the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the Association of the European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and the Association of the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE), welcome the timely adoption of the EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and support its full and swift implementation. To demonstrate the contribution that transport can make to mitigation and adaptation, specifically in the context of sustainable development; To promote the integration of transport in policy making on climate change mitigation and adaptation under the UNFCCC; To ensure that modalities for financing, capacity building, and technology transfer under the UNFCCC are appropriate for the transport sector. On the occasion of the 9th UIC World Congress on High Speed Rail in Tokyo, and with the 11th round of negotiations of the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement currently ongoing in Brussels, UNIFE hosted a reception for senior representatives of European rail equipment suppliers and Japanese railway undertakings at the EU Delegation to Japan in Tokyo. Se vuoi iscriverti ad un corso di laurea magistrale (+2) a numero aperto è necessario effettuare una pre-iscrizione seguendo la procedura che trovi nella guida Ti verrà chiesto di inserire on line: Domanda di pre-iscrizione Le immatricolazioni saranno aperte dal 21 luglio al 31 ottobre 2020. UNIFE and CER encourage the Member States to consider a transport dimension for the post 2020 climate and energy policies ahead of the European Council that will take place on 26-27 June. This was the key message put forward by UNIFE and the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (JU) at the Rail Forum Europe breakfast-event held in Brussels on 3 May. The European and United States rail sectors have much to learn from each other. The main objectives of the Climate Summit were to catalyse ambitious action from stakeholders and to mobilise the political will for an ambitious legally-binding global climate agreement at the COP 21 in Paris (2015). While the impact on road transport seems quite straightforward, consequences for the rail sector are less obvious. Mail: scuole.specializzazione@unife.it Indirizzo: Via Aldo Moro 8 - 44124 Ferrara - Settore 1C0 ufficio T.34.24 Orario di apertura al pubblico Lunedì, mercoledì e venerdì dalle 11.30 alle 13.00 Martedì e giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 15.30 Orario di sportello telefonico Telefono: +39 0532.293197 - … I laureati che hanno già conseguito un titolo accademico presso il nostro o un altro Ateneo. Come iscriversi. Puoi pagare tasse proporzionali se l'ISEE ha un valore compreso tra 23.001 € e 50.000 €. Over 200 European rail industry leaders gathered in Barcelona for the 2017 European Rail Industry (UNIFE) General Assembly. Se vuoi iscriverti ad un corso di laurea magistrale (+2) a numero aperto è necessario effettuare una pre-iscrizione seguendo la procedura che trovi nella guida. Sarà comunque possibile iscriversi fino al 15 dicembre 2020 con il pagamento di un contributo aggiuntivo per superata data di scadenza. On 8 October, EU Transport Ministers will meet in Brussels to discuss the Fourth Railway Package. VPN unife: Freshly Released 2020 Adjustments None should the Option miss, the means itself try, that stands there is no question! The European Railway Award 2015 was presented today to Lord Andrew Adonis, former Secretary of State for Transport in the UK (2009-2010), and to industrial designer Alexander Neumeister. Le pre-iscrizioni sono aperte dal 21 luglio 2020 al 15 aprile 2021. Keynote speeches from DG MOVE and DG Research were given, focusing on the next European Research Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), as well as the current state of play with the Shift2Rail programme and the potential of a future rail JU (S2R 2.0). BRUSSELS—On 1 July, the Italian Presidency will start its work taking over from Greece. The carbon footprint of high speed rail can be up to 14 times less carbon intensive than car travel and up to 15 times less than aviation even when measured over the full life-cycle of planning, construction and operation. Today, the European Parliament overwhelmingly approved the Council Common Position on the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package, as agreed during the trialogue negotiations that came to an end in June 2015. VPN unife - Freshly Published 2020 Recommendations The noticeable Properties of VPN unife: You do not need to Doctor let run or the chemical club putting into use; You do not need to Doctor & Pharmacist visit, which one You with Your problem ridiculed The Forum brought together around 500 participants, including the Prime Minister of Latvia, Transport Ministers of Baltic States, high-level officials from Poland, representatives from the European Commission and the European North Sea-Baltic TEN-T Core Network Corridor Ms Catherine Trautmann. Last modified: Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 9:01 AM Iscrizione Tea corner 09/11/2020. Scriveteci e i vostri messaggi saranno pubblicati! BRUSSELS—UNIFE, the European Rail Industry Association, on behalf of the 115 organisations promoting the SHIFT²RAIL initiative, lauds the Council of the European Union’s adoption of a favourable position on the regulation establishing the SHIFT²RAIL Joint Undertaking. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE) presented their joint vision on the future role of the European Railway Agency (ERA). Responsible for less than 2% of final transport energy use, rail will to serve as the backbone of tomorrow’s eco-friendly European transport system. Per partecipare, devi collegare il tuo KONAMI ID al tuo account di gioco di eFootball PES 2020. One of the key elements to the European rail supply industry’s competitiveness is the existence of transparent and reciprocal market Modulo A e B per ASPP/RSPP) puoi richiederne il, Professioni sanitarie: vedi i corsi scelti con la specifica delle preferenze espresse. BRUSSELS—On the day of the EU Trade Policy Committee and in the progress review of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) by Member States, the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) wishes to reiterate the importance of achieving a level playing field between the EU and Japanese rail markets. UNIFE, alongside UIC and UITP, commends the Commission’s ambitious recovery plan and advocates that its COVID-19 response must be centred in sustainable mobility. Europe, and the world, have endured two waves of a pandemic and rolling examples of the intensifying ramifications of climate change. At the occasion of the 2015 EXPO 1520, held this week in Moscow, UNIFE, the European Rail Industry Association, represented by UNIFE Director-General Philippe Citroën, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with RZD (Russian Railways), represented by Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice-President, RZD, for cooperation in the areas of technical documentation exchange, best practices, and the promotion of a strong culture of quality in the rail sector through the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS). Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This General Assembly marks the end of the Chairmanship term of Henri Poupart-Lafarge, President of Alstom Transport, and after a unanimous vote during the UNIFE Statutory Meeting, Lutz Bertling, President and COO of Bombardier Transportation was elected as the new Chairman of UNIFE. During the opening session, UNIFE Director General Philippe Citroën intervened along with high-level speakers such as Nikhil Seth, Director Sustainable Development Division in UN-DESA representing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. However, the sector is currently experiencing a severe skill shortage as a large share of its workforce will retire in the next 10 years just as technological developments demand increased skills capabilities. Under the heading of “A digital Era for Transport: solutions for society, economy and environment”, TRA 2018 was an opportunity to explore, discuss and demonstrate these major paradigm shifts that are specifically directed at important areas of our lives, such as transport, mobility, logistics and industrial production. This morning at DB AG Headquarters in Berlin, UNIFE, represented by UNIFE Chairman Lutz Bertling and UNIFE Director-General Philippe Citroën, signed a MoU for Cooperation with DB, represented by Dr Volker Kefer, Member of the DB Management Board for Infrastructure, Services and Technology on the advancement of the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS). WASHINGTON, DC—The European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to reinforce ties between the European and American rail sectors. UNIFE Vision Paper on Digitalisation - Second Chapter . che hanno già conseguito un titolo accademico presso il nostro o un altro Ateneo. At the UNIFE—The European Rail Industry Association 2013 General Assembly meeting in Vienna, Austria, Deputy Head of Unit, Sustainable Mobility and Automotive Unit from the European Commission’s DG Enterprise and Industry, Barbara Bonvissuto, announced the publication of its survey on the Competitiveness of the European rail supply industry. In the TEN-T Guidelines, the European Parliament and Member States have agreed on a policy that is to guide decisions as to which transport projects should receive funding as a matter of priority. Rail can have a huge impact in combatting climate change, but policies have to be right.”. è comprensiva della quota societaria S.It.E. Consequently, on June 1st, UNIFE will publish the IRIS Certification™ rules:2017. UNIFE welcomes this progress made on the Technical Pillar and would like to thank the Council and the Greek Presidency for their work on this legislation. Unfortunately happens this is the case with naturally effective products. UNIFE welcomes the proposal of the European Commission for the Fourth Railway Package. Anonimato garantito al 100% ;) Jul 2020. Sono test individuali, composti da quesiti selezionati automaticamente e casualmente dal database CISIA. Torna spotted! UNIFE and CER participated in the 3rd meeting of the EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways, which took place on 21 May in Brussels. In 2020, UNIFE will work to have many of these suggestions are implemented at both the EU and Member State levels. 01557500632, autorizzazione regionale ADV cat. The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), and the European Rail Industry (UNIFE) welcome the own initiative report of Mr. Grosch on a Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area adopted today by the European Parliament. The Association of the European Railway Industry (UNIFE), the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), the International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP), the European Passenger Train and Traction Operating Lessors Association (EPPTOLA). The undersigned European associations - representing infrastructure managers, railway operators, intermodal companies, wagon keepers and the rail supply industry - jointly: European Parliament votes in favour of greening and digitalising transport. Philippe Citroën joined UNIFE in 2011. The undersigned stakeholder associations highlight the important need for investment in transport infrastructure. With this agreement, the Council has completed the work on the technical pillar of the Fourth Railway Package which consists of the revised Interoperability Directive, the Safety Directive, and the ERA Regulation. In questa pagina trovi tutte le informazioni per immatricolarti a un corso di studio Unife. UNIFE together with 25 other signatories representing key industrial and research stakeholders, call on the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to develop the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme (FP9) with an appropriate design and budget, at the level of the ambitions of the Renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy. La scadenza per la registrazione a eFootball.Open è il 02/02/2020 alle 23:59 (UTC). Autonomous driving is expected to transform mobility in the coming decades. 「Legislators must guarantee widespread market accessibility in order to maintain efficient rail systems.」 It was supported by seventeen organisations including UNIFE, UIC and UITP, and attended by over 150 participants from all over the world. Scheda Scheda del Corso. UNIFE and CER encourage the Member States to consider a transport dimension for the post 2020 climate and energy policies ahead of the European Council that will take place on 26-27 June. The Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development, which UNIFE endorsed, was officially adopted at the end of the event. The event built upon previous cooperation work amongst sustainable transport stakeholders such as during COP18 (Doha), when UNIFE co-organised a side event on “Transport and our low carbon future”. A n.5564, IATA n.38/20506-4, capitale sociale euro 100.000.00 On 9 December, the European Commission published the EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, which will transform the EU transport sector to fully support the objectives of the EU ‘’Green Deal’’ and of ‘’A Europe fit for the digital age’’. However, ERTMS deployment must be accelerated in order to meet the European Deployment Plan target. Non è un test di accesso: se la prova mette in luce delle lacune, dovrai assolvere gli Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA) nei modi e nei tempi previsti da ciascun corso. Supporto all'immatricolazioneHai bisogno di chiarimenti o di aiuto? Trovi l’elenco dei corsi di studio e il link diretto alla pagina specifica di ogni corso, Se risulti “ESONERATO” o hai ottenuto l’idoneità, devi effettuare l’immatricolazione, Formazione Sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro, se possiedi certificati di formazione sicurezza, (es. The text will now undergo some further procedural steps in order to be published in the EU Official Journal in the coming months. Per ridurre il costo d’iscrizione si deve, entro e non oltre il 31 ottobre 2020: 1. richiedere la certificazione ISEE a INPS o presso un CAF 2. dare il consenso al recupero dell’ISEE dal database INPS Se le due operazioni vengono effettuate dal 1 novembre 2020 al 15 dicembre 2020, deve essere pagato un contributo di 400 euro. CER, UNIFE, UIP, EPTTOLA and UITP wish to confirm their strong support for the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package and stress the importance and urgency for reaching an agreement between the European Council and the European Parliament on this part of the proposal as laid out in the compromise text prepared by the Irish Presidency in April 2013. Quest'anno i TOLC sono accessibili anche da casa, grazie a TOLC@CASA. Contatta il nostro staff. BRUSSELS—UNIFE welcomes the voting outcome of the European Parliament on the Fourth Railway Package on 26 February 2014. On 31 May the European Commission published the mobility package called ‘Europe on the move’, though it might has well have been called ‘the road package’ as the part on rail is almost non-existant. Philippe Citroën commented, “UNIFE is very pleased to formally establish a link with APTA, and we look forward to continued collaboration on our shared challenges. Corso di Perfezionamento. On the one hand, autonomous vehicles may result in a reduction of rail’s market share. the revision of the Regulation establishing a European Railway Agency, the Directive on rail interoperability and the Directive on rail safety). At the Single European Rail Area (SERA) Convention in Brussels on 20 June, Commissioner Bulc presented a draft of the ERTMS Deployment Action Plan, emphasizing that ERTMS is a cornerstone of digitalisation for the rail sector and essential to achieving a safe Single European Railway Area. The European year of Rail will be launched in 2021 and according to UNIFE, the EU hasn’t placed the rail […] When plotting solutions to both challenges, rail is clearly a solution. The specific rail requirements for business management systems were officially published under ISO/TS 22163 last week. ateneo@pec.unife.it entro il 26/02/2019 al magnifico rettore dell'universita' degli studi di ferrara richiesta concessione agevolazione per iscrizione al master di primo livello tutela, diritti e protezione dei minori - … Iscrizione Tea corner 16/12/2020. The 2018 European Railway Award was presented tonight to the Gotthard Base Tunnel Project, for delivering the world’s longest railway tunnel, shifting freight to rail. http://www.unife.it/it/iscriviti/iscriversi/immatricolarsi, LIBERO - Lauree TRIENNALI e MAGISTRALI A CICLO UNICO, vuoi iscriverti ad un corso di laurea magistrale (+2) a numero aperto, Dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione: riguarda i titoli che possiedi e che ritieni utili ai fini dell'ammissione, ► sarà analizzata da specifiche Commissioni, che valuteranno i requisiti curriculari e l'adeguatezza della tua preparazione così come previsto dalla normativa. Se hai conseguito una laurea di primo livello presso UniFe, e sei in possesso dei requisiti d'accesso previsti dai regolamenti dei vari corsi di Laurea Magistrale, sei "ESONERATO" dalla valutazione da parte della commissione e puoi effettuare l'immatricolazione subito dopo avere terminato la procedura di pre-iscrizione. Continuity and adaptation to ongoing challenges are needed in order to make the Shift2Rail Programme a success story and pave the way for its successor Shift2Rail 2.0 under the next European Commission’s Framework Programme 9 (FP9). The Industrial Dialogue was organised by the European Commission and the Japanese government and facilitated exchanges on critical topics addressed in the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations, including technical regulations and safety standards, railways markets and market access issues. On 16 May, ERRAC (the European Rail Research Advisory Council) met with the rail European Technology Platform (ETP) in a plenary session in Brussels. UNIFE, the Association of the European rail industry, welcomes the vote and thanks the Members of the TRAN Committee for their work on the Technical Pillar of the Package. On 13 September, the European Commission published an important Communication entitled “Investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable Industry: A renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy”. Each Prospect should so not longer wait, what he take the risk, that VPN unife pharmacy-required or production stopped is. forecast 2020 to 2025 This MoU follows in the footsteps of an existing MoU between the Federal Railroad Administration and the European Rail Agency signed in 2012 and will add to the transatlantic dialogue and best practice sharing in the domain of rail transport.”, Michael Melaniphy said: “APTA is delighted to work closely with UNIFE, and we look forward to close cooperation and collaboration as both organizations work to advance rail transportation. UNIFE is hopeful, going in to 2020, as we believe that the EC’s expressed desire to confront climate change presents unique opportunities for both the rail supply industry’s growth and the future of our planet. MOSCOW—At the occasion of the 4th International Rail Salon EXPO 1520 in Moscow, UNIFE, the European Rail Industry, and UIRE, the Russian Union of Industries of Railway Equipment signed a Memorandum of Understanding and cooperation to reinforce ties between the European and Russian railway sectors. WARSAW—On 17 November, UNIFE participated in Transport Day 2013, an event dedicated to sustainable, low-carbon transport and taking place during the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) in Warsaw. LONDON — UNIFE, gathered its members, business leaders from European rail supply manufacturing companies, together in London today on the occasion of the 23rd General Assembly meeting. Tipologia: Corso di Perfezionamento Sede: Ferrara Direzione: Prof. Paolo Trovato; Crediti Formativi: 6 Contributo di iscrizione: Euro 320,00 da pagare al momento dell'iscrizione Scadenza iscrizione alla selezione: 22 gennaio 2021 NEW YORK CITY—On 23 September, UNIFE, the European Rail Industry Association, participated in the United Nations Climate Summit hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in New York City. This flagship initiative run by the EU builds on over 25 years of successful experience helping European companies establish long-lasting business collaborations in Japan and Asia. Organised by the European Commission and the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the event took place at a crucial time when all European institutions are preparing for the negotiations on the future post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). per l’anno 2020, dei coffee break, dell’aperitivo di benvenuto (tardo pomeriggio di martedì 10 settembre), di due pranzi (mercoledì 11 e giovedì 12 settembre) e della cena sociale con sorpresa (mercoledì 11 settembre). About us UNIFE represents the European rail industry's interests at the level of both European and international institutions. Fostering digital transformation in all sectors is regarded as key to unlock Europe’s technological potential and supporting sustainable growth. The event was organized by the Bridging the Gap Initiative and the SLoCaT Partnership. VPN unife - The Top 5 for the majority of users in 2020 Each should VPN unife give a chance, of which we are Convinced. UNIFE members selected Bucharest for their General Assembly this year to demonstrate their hope that Romania and other countries in the region will absorb available EU structural funds to invest in their rail systems and also to draw attention to the enormous potential of the Romanian rail market.