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Poggio della Volara ­

How to reach us

 Autostrada A1 (Florence-Rome):
Take the exit Orvieto ,pass the toll station and drive direction Todi/Perugia. Follow the SS 448 Baschi-Todi. After having passed the bridge on the Corbara lake you turn to the right to CERRETO and you follow the signs Agriturismo POGGIO della VOLARA 
Superstrada E 45 (Orte - Cesen
Take the exit Todi and drive the SS 448 Todi-Baschi direction Orvieto,when you are close to Crbara Lake take the left directionCERRETO-MONTECCHIO from here follow the signs Agriturismo POGGIO della VOLARA.
our e-mail: info@poggiodellavolara.it
fax:  0039 744 1902039
mob: 0039 347 3352523
                       GPS: 42.683204, 12.279652 

Agriturizmas Montecchio, agriturizmas Umbria, agriturizmas Orvieto, agriturizmas Todi, agriturizmas salia Orvieto, agriturizmas salia Todi