For example: It sells many things and services to other countries. The European Green Deal is a new major initiative of the European Union to address climate change while helping Europe recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. ... European Students' Union - ESU Videos New publications are now accessible on our website! Achieving the European Education Area by 2025 - where exactly are we heading to? The EU’s common currency is the euro. media caption How the European Commission works There are 28 EU commissioners - one from each member state - and each one focuses on a policy … The Euro was introduced in 2002 as the common currency used by EU members. About the European Union The European Union is an international organization made up of 27 European countries. European Commission – Regional Policy - Inforegio. As part of the EU Teach-a-Day series of lectures at schools across Kosovo, the Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, had a video conference with about 20 students from Hajdar Dushi secondary school in Gjakovë/Đakovica on 13 May 2020. Things, services and money can also move freely from one country of the European Union to another. European ministers have agreed to double the proportion of students in higher education completing a study or training period abroad to 20 percent by 2020. Learn more about the EU … European Regional Development Fund Cohesion Fund European Social Fund EU Solidarity Fund IPA It is widely accepted in most European countries and even in some non-EU countries. It also contains activities to engage learners and raise their awareness of the European Union. Support for mobility remains a core focus of Erasmus+ , the European Union's programme for education and training. Or a student from Belgium can go study in a university in Greece. 1:29:30. The European Union This pack on the European Union contains a useful summary for citizenship educators on the main points of history and purpose of a variety of European Institutions. Students will independently learn about the history, institutions, and policies of the European Union through a webquest. It governs common economic, political, social … Introduction to the European Union Overview This lesson serves as an introduction to the European Union and many of the countries that are part of the European Union. Demystifying Brexit in the Classroom Resources compiled by TES. The European Union plays an important role in the world in many ways. They include the Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission. European Students' Union - ESU. European Union (EU), international organization comprising 27 European countries and governing common economic, social, and security policies. The EU was created by the Maastricht Treaty, which entered into force on November 1, 1993. March 15. The European Union has three major bodies that govern its members with rules and guidelines. The European Union in the world.
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