Stefano De Santis, CPA, CA Senior Manager, Enterprise Tax at KPMG Toronto, Canada Area 319 connections. Located in the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, in the highest region of the Apennines, this medieval hill town sits adjacent to the high plain of Campo Imperatore Population and economy. Stefano De Santis Luigia Zuccarino The use of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites appears as a compatible and effective technique to strengthen masonry structures. He is a member of the Structures Research Group, of the Scientific Board of the PhD School in Civil Engineering, and appointed teacher for the Courses […] University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers, Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles, Health care professionals, including clinical researchers, Journalists, citizen scientists, or anyone interested in reading and discovering research. Year. mortar such as to reproduce the original components of the railway bridges built at the end The aim of this project is to study the thin, laminated composites with inorganic matrix as a rehabilitation/strengthening solution for the existing RC and masonry structures. bridges, the effects of quasi-static and high-cycle fatigue loading have been studied through a series of small-scale laboratory test samples. The out-of-plane vulnerability of perimeter walls is one of the main issues in the seismic response of historic masonry structures. AE technique was applied to a series of small-scale laboratory specimens under compression and shear to develop deeper understanding of the stages of fracture de... Composite materials are nowadays widely used to strengthen masonry structures and structural components such as arches and vaults. As a first step, an experimental investigation on brickwork specimens is carried out to define the material properties; the tests are performed under cyclic cen... An approach for the evaluation of the seismic response of masonry arch bridges is Read Wikipedia in Modernized UI. of infrastructural systems, in order to minimize the impact of losses on citizens as The AeDES form is used to evaluate the safety conditions of Their use on unreinforced masonry arched members appears one of the most promising fields of... Masonry vaults are dramatically vulnerable against non-symmetric loads, relative support displacements and earthquakes. The present work contributes to the knowledge of the structural behaviour of masonry bridges and proposes a modelling approach for their assessment under exercise loads and seismic actions. Ryerson University. However, some drawbacks related to the epoxy (hence, orga... Mortar-based reinforcements are an innovative solution for retrofitting existing structures that combine effectiveness, compatibility, and sustainability. Stefano De Santis is a tenured researcher (RTD/B) in Structural Engineering (SC 08/B3, SSD Icar/09, Tecnica delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Engineering of Roma Tre University, in Rome, Italy. fast as possible. The consensus on fibre reinforced composite systems was mainly based on high tensile strength, light weight, relative ease of installation, and resistance to corrosion. The out-of-plane vulnerability of masonry walls plays a crucial role in the seismic response of existing structures. Stefano De Santis is tenured researcher (RTD/B) in Structural Engineering (SC 08/B3, SSD Icar/09, Tecnica delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Engineering of Roma Tre University, in Rome, Italy. TITOLO ITALIANO: "The Lion Guard" TITOLO ORIGINALE: "The Lion Guard" PRODUZIONE: Disney Television Animation/Mercury Filmworks. Stefano De Santis, Actor: I resti di Bisanzio. 2014 - I Pagliacci teatro petruzzelli Opera. ALEX BRISBANE (s.6) David Brimmer: MARCO BALZAROTTI: MOKUBA KAIBA: Tara Jayne: IRENE SCALZO: SERENITY WHEELER (SHIZUKA KATSUYA) Lisa Ortiz: GIOVANNA PAPANDREA … Stefano has been in the public accounting practice for 12 years. On these topics, Stefano coordinated scientific activities involving research and industrial partners and is author of about 70 scientific publications including papers in International Journals, conference proceedings, and a book on masonry arch bridges based on his PhD Thesis, which was awarded a Special Mention at the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize (10th edition, 2012). I’m a member of the UIC RG on Masonry Arch Bridges and of the RILEM TC 250-CSM. He presented his works in national and international conferences and has been invited to give lectures and seminars. Directed by. Masonry specimens show a significant post-peak strength As the development of mortar-based reinforcements is still at an early stage, their mechanical pro... Il Comitato Tecnico Rilem TC-250 CSM (Composites for the Sustainable Strengthening of Masonry) e Assocompositi stanno attualmente coordinando un ampio progetto di ricerca sulla caratterizzazione di materiali compositi a matrice inorganica (FRCM) per il rinforzo strutturale. Stefano Merlonetti est sur Facebook. The use of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites appears as a compatible and effective technique to strengthen masonry structures. 2000 - il pianeta Guerra Network/Distributor: Short film . Load-carrying capacity and seismic behaviour of masonry arch bridges. Steel tie-bars can prevent their overturning, but collapse may take place also by bending, leaf separation or disaggregation. A strong research effort was done to investigate the tensile and bond properties of these materials, as well as the overall behaviour of strengthened members. After a former test series carried out without reinforcement, the specimen was retrofitted using Steel Reinforced Grout. Their mechanical properties, however, still need to be fully investigated. In order to develop greater understanding of the long-term fatigue deterioration process of masonry structures, e.g. Se continui ad utilizzare questo sito noi assumiamo che tu ne sia felice. Lavoro nello spettacolo come attrice, cantante, adattatrice dialoghista e insegnante di tecnica vocale. All rights reserved. Guidelines for product qualification are needed to characterize the strengthening systems before they are made available in the market and installed. Vittorio De Sica: Sara Cardinaletti ... Jole: Pasquale Petrolo ... Aldo Fabrizi (as Lillo Petrolo) Stefano Skalkotos ... Corrado Mantoni: Massimo De Santis ... Stefano Vanzina 'Steno' Giampiero Ingrassia ... Doppiatore Stanlio Gero Zambuto: Ladyvette ... Trio Lescano: Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Danilo Aquino Antonella Arduini Role. Unconventional computer vision and image processing techniques offer significant advantages for experimental applications to shaking table testing, as they allow the overcoming of most typical problems of traditional sensors, such as encumbrance, limitations in the number of devices, range restrictions and risk of damage of the instruments in case... Sono illustrate le caratteristiche di un sistema innovativo per il rinforzo strutturale delle volte in muratura mediante tessuti unidirezionali in trefoli di acciaio ad alta resistenza e malte di calce idraulica naturale – denominato Steel Reinforced Grout (SRG) – assieme ai risultati delle prove di durabilità dei tessuti, a seguito di invecchiamen... Il lavoro illustra i risultati di prove di distacco condotte in un edificio del centro storico de L’Aquila su rinforzi applicati all’estradosso di volte in laterizi. TRASMESSO NEGLI USA: Disney Junior, dal 22 novembre 2015 in poi TRASMESSO IN ITALIA: Disney Junior, dal 6 aprile 2016; Rai YoYo, dall'8 marzo 2017 NUMERO EPISODI: 54+ (2+ stagioni); DURATA EPISODIO: 22 minuti SIGLA: originale. Besides the use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers, innovative systems based on high strength fibres embedded in inorganic matrices are currently receiving great attention and are expected to provide relevant advantages in the application to hi... Mortar-based composite materials are currently receiving great attention for strengthening masonry structures, especially when specific preservation criteria need to be fulfilled. aiuto regia Antonietta De Lillo. A range of failure modes may occur, such as onset of a mechanism, leaf separation, disaggregation, or sliding.... Higher stiffness and strength achieved with a reduced overall weight together with an extensive use of prefabrication justify the growing diffusion of Steel-Concrete Composite (SCC) bridges since the early 2000s, especially for the 20 ÷ 80 m span range. Report this profile About Stefano is a Senior Tax Manager with KPMG and focuses on private domestic tax. and high-cycle fatigue loading through a series of small-scale laboratory tests. The strengthening system comprises horizontal strips of u... Masonry arch bridges constitute a significant proportion of European road and rail infrastructures. I got my BSc, MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering at Roma Tre Univ. Stefano Grossi. These characteristics are of... TTextile Reinforced Mortar (TRM), also named Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM), composites, comprise high strength textiles embedded into inorganic matrices, and have been recently developed for the repair and rehabilitation of structures. Stefano has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Stefan De de Santis. Their dynamic behaviour is highly non-linear and is influenced by the discontinuous nature of the material. He got his BSc, MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering at Roma Tre University. View the profiles of people named Stefano De Santis. Prior to joining KPMG Stefano gained experience working … Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Stefano Pallotta et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. Following the experimental investigations performed on the shake table in December 2016 and March 2017, a new shake table test will be carried out on a full-scale tuff masonry structure on 8 November 2017. In October 2016, Stefano was visiting researcher at the University of Miami, within the Science and Technology Cooperation Project “Composites with inorganic matrix for sustainable strengthening of architectural heritage”. Accueil; Ouvrages. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Stefano De Santis. and the capa... Il progetto SISMI si propone di supportare scelte e attività regionali rivolte alla conservazione, valorizzazione e recupero del patrimonio storico-culturale in aree sismiche, fornendo strumenti attraverso i quali poter valutare necessità, opportunità e priorità di intervento; valutare il grado di vulnerabilità e pericolosità sismica; individuare concrete e praticabili possibilità di miglioramento e ricostruzione dei centri storici anche attraverso metodologie innovative e materiali di nuova generazione verificati, testati e monitorabili nel tempo. Retrofitting works are therefore needed in numerous existing structures to ensure an adequate safety level according to current standard codes. The load carrying capability of a representative sample of Italian large-span railway masonry bridges is assessed in the present paper. An overview on Italian railway masonry bridges with load-carrying capability estimate, Load carrying-capability and seismic assessment of masonry bridges, Evaluation of the seismic response of masonry arch bridges modelled using beam elements with fiber cross section, Experimental and Numerical Response of Arch Bridge Historic Masonry Under Eccentric Loading, Evaluation of the seismic response of masonry arch bridges modeled using beam elements with fiber cross section, Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of eccentrically loaded historic brickwork for railway arch bridges assessment, SISMI - Tecnologie per il miglioramento della Sicurezza e la rIcostruzione dei centri Storici in area sisMIca, Thin Laminated Cement-Based Composites for Rehabilitation and Strengthening Existing Structures, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, Department of Engineering and Geology (InGeo), Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering DICAM, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture. The post-earthquake inspections for the assessment of buildings’ usability have a key role in the post-earthquake emergency phases. An experimental campaign has been carried out to characterize the tensile behavi... Mortar-based composite materials appear particularly promising for use as externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) systems for masonry structures. Stefano got the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, ASN) as Associate Professor in Structural Engineering (20/09/2018). The behaviour of old brickwork when submitted to cyclic centred and Stages and Pagina ufficiale dell'attore romano Stefano De Santis. In order to assess the effectiveness of this solution, shear bond tests were carried out on brick and masonry substrates within two Round Robin Test ser... Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites are now widely used for repair and retrofitting existing structures. This recommendation identifies the... Steel reinforced polyurethane (SRPU) is an innovative composite material which comprises a unidirectional steel textile and a polyurethane matrix. Recent earthquakes have shown the key role of post-earthquake technical inspections the help of acoustic emission technique during both static and cyc... Acoustic emission (AE) monitoring has the unique ability to record crack propagation and the response of structures to live loading; however, its use for masonry is currently very limited. of XIX century in central Italy. This paper describes an experimental investigation carrie... Steel Reinforced Grout composites have become a popular technique for strengthening masonry arches and vaults. characteristics of the fracture development under compression and shear were investigated with of Engineering of Roma Tre Univ. Aiming at performing non-linear Guarda il profilo completo su LinkedIn e scopri i collegamenti di Stefano e le offerte di lavoro presso aziende simili. Stefano de Santis is on Facebook. The paper presents the preliminary results of a shake table test carried out on a tuff masonry, natural scale, U-shaped assemblage (façade adjacent to transverse walls). This study contributes to the knowledge of the compressive behavior of brickwork used in railway bridges and shows how to incorporate this information in structural modeling. A second shake table session will be performed after retrofitting with Composite Reinforced Mortar. Sara De Santis, Roma. View the profiles of people named Stefan De Santis. Despite a large number of FRCM systems, supplied by several companies, are today available in the market and have alr... Steel Reinforced Polymer (SRP) systems, consisting of Ultra High Tensile Strength Steel cords and epoxy resin, are emerging as an effective and cost efficient solution for the externally bonded strengthening of structures. In numerous existing structures, retrofitting is needed to improve the safety level and, for this purpose, externally bonded composites are particularly useful and have already been installed in the field. PhD Thesis - Special mention in the final judgement of the Edoardo benvenuto Prize (10th Ed., 2012). The use of FRCM composites in place of FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) composites provides noticeable advantages in terms of fire and heat resistance and vapor permeability. Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara, University of the West of England, Bristol, Design of the shear strengthening of masonry walls with fabric reinforced cementitious matrix, Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) and Steel-Reinforced Grout (SRG) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Masonry Structures, Materiali compositi innovativi per il miglioramento sismico del patrimonio edilizio, Unconventional measurement techniques in experiments on masonry, Durability of steel reinforced grout composites, Lessons Learned on the Tensile and Bond Behavior of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Composites, Design of the out-of-plane strengthening of masonry walls with fabric reinforced cementitious matrix composites, Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry with Fabric Reinforced Mortar, Out-of-plane seismic retrofitting of masonry walls with Textile Reinforced Mortar composites, Shake Table Tests on a Masonry Structure Retrofitted with Composite Reinforced Mortar, Usability and damage assessment of public buildings and churches after the 2016 Central Italy earthquake: The ReLUIS experience F. da Porto A. Mannella, Distinct Element Modelling of Masonry Walls under Out Of Plane Seismic Loading, Retrofitting of Masonry Vaults by Basalt Textile-Reinforced Mortar Overlays, Strengthening of Masonry Vaults with Textile Reinforced Mortars, Distinct Element Modelling of the Out-of-Plane Seismic Behaviour of Masonry Walls, Experimental characterization and component-based modeling of deck-to-pier connections for composite bridges, Recommendation of RILEM Technical Committee 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization, Durability of Steel Reinforced Polyurethane-to-substrate bond, Mechanical characterization of multi-ply steel reinforced grout composites for the strengthening of concrete structures, Seismic out-of-plane vertical bending behaviour of masonry walls reinforced with textile reinforced mortars, Design of the out-of-plane strengthening of masonry walls with textile reinforced mortar composites, Acceptance Criteria for Tensile Characterization of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Concrete and Masonry Repair, Full-scale tests on masonry vaults strengthened with Steel Reinforced Grout, Application of Digital Image Correlation to composite reinforcements testing, The contribution of ReLUIS to the usability assessment of school buildings following the 2016 central Italy earthquake, Performance assessment of basalt FRCM for retrofit applications on masonry, Round Robin Test on tensile and bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Grout systems, Bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Grout for the extrados strengthening of masonry vaults, Evaluation of the bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced grout applied to curved masonry substrate via bending test, Retrofitting Masonry Vaults with Basalt Textile Reinforced Mortar, A Closed-Form Analytical Solution to the Debonding of SRG on Curved Masonry Substrate, Experimental analysis on tensile and bond properties of PBO and aramid fabric reinforced cementitious matrix for strengthening masonry structures, Test methods for Textile Reinforced Mortar systems, Methods and Challenges for the Seismic Assessment of Historic Masonry Structures, State-of-the-art review of out-of-plane strengthening of masonry walls with mortar-based composites, Experimental characterization of mortar-based reinforcements with carbon fabrics, Bond behaviour of steel reinforced grout strengthening systems applied to the extrados of masonry vaults, Strengthening of structures with Steel Reinforced Polymers: A state of-the-art review, Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviour of mortar-based strengthening systems, Bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Grout strengthening systems applied to the extrados of masonry vaults, Overview of the Experimental Works on Steel Reinforced Polymer Systems, Experimental characterization of mortar-based reinforcements with carbon fabrics: Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016, Bond behaviour of Steel Reinforced Polymer strengthening systems, Seismic performance of masonry walls retrofitted with steel reinforced grout, A review of experimental investigations and assessment methods for masonry arch bridges, Passive 3D motion optical data in shaking table tests of a SRG-reinforced masonry wall, Il rinforzo delle volte in laterizi con sistemi SRG, Prove di distacco in situ su rinforzi in SRG applicati alla superficie estradossale di volte in muratura, Steel reinforced grout systems for the strengthening of masonry structures, Traditional and innovative techniques for the seismic retrofitting of masonry buildings, Experimental characterization of composite-to-brick masonry shear bond, Repair of composite-to-masonry bond using flexible matrix, Overview of the experimental works on steel reinforced polymer systems, A qualification method for externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems.
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