[49] and the number of aircraft equipped with the improved engine gradually increased through the second half of the year. If you read further you will se that I also say the JU88/Stuka is no match for the spitfire. One unit, Test Group 210" (Erprobungsgruppe 210) — originally meant to service test the Bf 110's intended (but ill-fated) replacement, the Messerschmitt Me 210 — proved it could carry a greater bomb load over a greater range than a Ju 87 and deliver it with similar accuracy, while its much higher maximum speed, especially at lower altitudes, meant it was far more capable of evading RAF fighters.[55][56]. Y-Gerät equipped H-5y of III. [33][24][N 2] During the Battle of France and over Dunkirk RAF Hurricanes and Spitfires were able to use the emergency boost. [N 3] I./ZG 76, based in Norway, was equipped with this version in order to provide air cover for convoys sailing along the Norwegian coast. 23 Squadron RAF who had already operated the type under night time conditions had better success. [18] For example, on 18 August a brand new Spitfire of 602 Squadron was hit by 20 mm shells which exploded in the structure of the rear fuselage. [24] The Bf 109E also used a constant speed Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke (VDM) three-blade unit with automatic pitch control. By July 1940, more efficient de Havilland and Rotol constant speed propellers had begun replacing two-pitch propellers on front line RAF fighters. [4] The slightly larger Hurricane was regarded as an easier aircraft to fly and was effective against Luftwaffe bombers. Its air-cooled radial BMW engines meant that many of these aircraft were able to survive fighter attack because there was no vulnerable cooling system to disable. No. [citation needed]. IF – Fighter Command (night fighter). The stuka or ju-87 seems to be able to take alot of damage! Annex 1, p. 8. When faced with concentrated attacks by modern fighters such as the Hurricane and Spitfire this proved totally inadequate. [54], The casualty rates for all of the Zerstörergeschwader wings using the Bf 110Cs were extremely high throughout the battle, and they were unable to fulfill the high aspirations of Hermann Göring, who had referred to them as his "Ironsides" (Eisenseiten). So do, but I was not talking about JU88 vs spitfire. The aircraft from 604 Squadron was flown by Flt Lt. John Cunningham, scoring the first of his 20 victories. Against a poorly equipped enemy, the Junkers 87 did well with its pinpoint bombing accuracy. 247 Squadron RAF, stationed in RAF Robourgh, Devon. [41][42] "In the first half of 1940 the RAF transferred all Hurricane and Spitfire squadrons to 100 octane fuel. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. The Stuka connection. "[55], The most successful role of the Bf 110 during the Battle was as a "fast bomber" (Schnellbomber), the same role that the Junkers Ju 88A had been designed for in the mid-1930s. Discover (and save!) [11], On the question of comparative turning circles in combat, Spitfires and Hurricanes benefited from their lower wing loading compared with the Bf 109: the Royal Aircraft Establishment estimated the Spitfire's turning circle – without height loss – as 212 m (700 ft) in radius (the Hurricane's would be slightly tighter) while the 109E's was estimated as 270 m (890 ft) radius at 3,657 m (12,000 ft). The Warthog gets its ferocious anti-tank firepower from the Stuka. [7], During tight turns the "twist" or washout designed into the wing by Reginald Mitchell meant that the wing root would stall before the wingtips, creating the shuddering and clattering referred to. With this radar equipment, a Blenheim from the Fighter Interception Unit (FIU) at RAF Ford achieved the first success on the night of 2/3 July 1940, accounting for a Dornier Do 17 bomber. with the main difference between the two aircraft being the Spitfire's tighter turning ability and the Bf 109's faster climb rate. [68], For precision attack emphasis was placed on the development of aircraft which could utilise the technique of dive bombing for which the Junkers Ju 87 Stuka was specifically designed. Do you guys think the Stuka can take the most damage? [5] The Royal Air Force's preferred tactic was to deploy the Hurricanes against formations of bombers and to use the Spitfires against the fighter escorts. Society of Automotive Engineers 1997, p. 11. [2], The most famous fighter aircraft used in the Battle of Britain were the British Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire Mk I and the German Messerschmitt Bf 109 E variant (Emil) single-engined fighters. January 2, 2019 in IL-2 Sturmovik. By 1939, at least seven squadrons were operating these twin-engined fighters and within a few months some 60 squadrons had transitioned to the type. The Bf 110 possessed a heavy armament of two 20 mm MG FF/M cannon and four 7.92 mm MG 17s concentrated in the forward fuselage, along with a single 7.92 mm MG 15 for rear defence in the rear cockpit. Leave A Reply. The Junkers 87 was better known as the Stuka dive-bomber. However, only small sized 50 and 70 kg bombs, up to a total weight of 1,400 kg, could be carried internally, while larger bombs had to be carried on external racks, causing considerable drag. The curved plexiglass windscreen however was very bad optically and caused considerable distortion, which made long-distance visual scanning difficult. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aircraft_of_the_Battle_of_Britain&oldid=1014105117, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2009, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Blenheim Mk. The main fuel tanks of the Spitfire, which were mounted in the fuselage forward of the cockpit, were better protected than that of the Hurricane; the lower tank was self-sealing and a panel of 3 mm thick aluminium, sufficient to deflect small calibre bullets, was wrapped externally over the top tanks. The E-1 was armed with four MG 17 7.92mm machine guns; two cowl guns above the engine with 1,000 rounds per gun, and two in the wings with 500 rounds per gun. 150–151. [26] The Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 corrected this deficiency by adding a ventral center-line ordnance rack to take either an SC 250 bomb for Jabo duties, or a standard 300 litre (66 Imp. This ability to perform negative-g manoeuvres without the engine cutting out gave a 109 pilot better ability to disengage at will. III radar. The decision taken was that there would be an initial delivery to 16 fighter and two twin-engined bomber squadrons by September 1940. This aircraft was intended to be used as a "bomber destroyer" because it was thought: The speed of modern bombers is so great that it is only worthwhile to attack them under conditions which allow no relative motion between the fighter and its target. Watch fullscreen. In reality, the Ju 88, although operating in smaller numbers than the Do 17 and He 111, suffered the highest losses of the three German bomber types. Serviceability rates of Hawker's fighter were always higher than the complex and advanced Spitfire. The Ju 88 was also extremely versatile, being fitted with both the Lotfernrohr 7 gyroscopic bomb sight and Stuvi dive sight as well as retractable dive brakes. Green, William and Gordon Swanborough, eds. IF long-range fighters with 600 (Auxiliary Air Force) Squadron based at Hendon, the first squadron to take delivery of these variants in September 1938. Library. Aviation Scenes - Battle of Britain "Stukas vs Spitfires" - YouTube. [23][24] More successes came and, before long, the Blenheim was to prove invaluable in the night fighter role. I was attacking naval targets in the Stuka when it was attacked by multiple spitfires. P-40 vs P-51 ki-84. WW2 - Ju-87 Stuka in action. 1:36. Search. You can post now and register later. Although no combat sorties took place at the height of the aerial battles, No. WW2 - Battle Of Britain in Motion - Flying Legends He111 Spitfire Bf109 Hurricane. [36][33] The combination of CS propellers and 100 octane fuel put the British fighters on par with the Luftwaffe. It was therefore withdrawn from attacks on Britain in August after prohibitive losses, leaving the Luftwaffe short of precision ground-attack aircraft. The upper canopy panels of the Bf 109 through its E-3 subtype were curved, while the E-4 and later Emil subtypes were modified for better visibility with flat panels and the new design was often retrofitted to earlier 109s. When this occurs, there is a violent shudder and clattering noise throughout the aeroplane which tends to flick over laterally and, unless the control column is put forward instantly a rapid roll and spin will result. [30] However, this was based on a pre-war assumption that US supplies would be denied to Britain in wartime, which would limit the numbers of front-line units able to use the fuel. [71] Older versions of the Do 17, mainly the E-1, were still used for weather reconnaissance duties. Losses of Do 17 and He 111s amounted to 132 and 252 machines destroyed respectively, while 313 Ju 88s were lost. Williams, Anthony G. and Dr. Emmanuel Gustin. [23] [67], The British had a cannon-armed fighter coming into service, the twin-engined Westland Whirlwind, but problems with its engines and slow production meant it did not enter service until December 1940. "Proposals for securing adequate supplies of 100 octane fuel to meet war requirements." Follow. The Spitfire and Bf 109E were well-matched in speed and agility, and both were somewhat faster than the Hurricane. 239 Squadron RAF using Gladiators in an army cooperation role and No. Londres : explosion lors d'une fête juive - 03/05/2018. Le Bf 109 fut le chasseur préféré de nombreux pilotes allemands, dont des as tels qu'Adolf Galland ou Hans-Joachim Marseille, et cela même après le déploiement du Focke-Wulf 190, pourtant plus performant. Although the Spitfire has attracted more attention,[3] the Hurricanes were more numerous and were responsible for most of the German losses, especially in the early part of the battle. German historians usually place the beginning of the battle in mid-August 1940 and end it in May 1941, on the withdrawal of the German bomber units in preparation for Operation Barbarossa, the campaign against the Soviet Union. 600 Squadron, by then based at RAF Manston, had some of its IFs equipped with Airborne Interception (AI) Mk. [9] The gentle stall and good control under "g" of the Bf 109 were of some importance, as they enabled the Luftwaffe' pilot to get the most out of the aircraft in a circling dog-fight by flying very near the stall. il2crashesnfails, It was designed as a high-performance short-range interceptor fighter, but was adapted to fill many roles. CAPTCHA Code * Recent Posts. By [22] The more streamlined Bf 109 F-1, issued in small numbers starting in October, carried two cowl MG-17s and a single 20mm MG FF/M in the fuselage as an engine-mounted Motorkanone, firing through the propeller hub. As a bomber it was relatively manoeuvrable and, especially at low altitudes with no bomb load, it was fast enough to ensure that a Spitfire engaged in a tail-chase would be hard pressed to catch up. Apr 1, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Christen Otto. The Corpo Aereo Italiano (CAI) was an expeditionary force of the Regia Aeronautica that participated in the very late stages of the Battle of Britain. 1:08. The Brownings had a high rate of fire and even a short burst from the eight machine guns sent out a large number of bullets. [64], The Italians also fielded a small number of Fiat G.50 Freccia monoplane fighters. The first night operations took place in September and October 1940 and on the night of 19/20 November 1940, a Beaufighter IF, equipped with AI radar downed a Ju 88. Il donna lieu à une diversification et à une multiplicité de versions jamais atteinte auparavant dans l'histoire de l'aviation. [62], The Fiat CR.42 Falco was a biplane fighter used by the Italian Air Corps (Corpo Aereo Italiano). A much more serious issue for the Luftwaffe's single-engined fighter force during the Battle was the Bf 109E's limited fuel capacity as originally designed. [14] At high speeds controls tightened considerably, and the Bf 109E needed more strength to manoeuvre than either of its main opponents. The fixed-gun fighter with guns firing ahead can only realise these conditions by attacking the bomber from dead astern...[57]. En … 7:59. The Spitfire, from about mid-1940, had 73 pounds (33 kg) of armoured steel plating in the form of head (of 6.5 mm thickness) and back protection on the seat bulkhead (4.5 mm), and covering the forward face of the glycol header tank. The Emil was smaller than either RAF fighter, and it was more difficult to land and take off than the Spitfire and Hurricane. Air Staff memorandum, June 1938, Quoted in Bungay 2000, p. 84. First Lieutenant; Members; 0 75 posts; Gender: Male; Location: australia; Interests: Flight sims, il-2 battle of Stalingrad. [40] This increased power substantially improved the rate of climb, especially at low to medium altitudes, and increased the top speed by 25–34 mph up to 10,000 feet. [citation needed], Many of the Spitfires used in the battle were purchased privately. The Stuka and the Sturmovik symbolize different branches of the A-10 family tree. [39], With 100 octane fuel the supercharger of the Merlin III engine could be "boosted" to +12 lbs/sq.in., producing 1,310 hp (977 kW) at 3,000 rpm at 9,000 feet (2,743 m) with a time limit of five minutes. 0:37 . Junkers Ju 87 Stuka (Technical Specification) Role: Two-seat dive bomber and attack aircraft: Manufacturer: Junkers: Maximum Speed: 410 kmh (254 mph) Maximum Range: 1,535 km (950 miles) Ceiling: 7,290 meters (23,910 feet) Weight Empty Maximum Takeoff: 3,900 kg (8,580 lbs) Dimensions Wingspan Length Height Wing Area: 213.80 meters (45 ft) 11.50 meters (38 ft) 3.90 meters (13 ft) … Spitfire pilot Jeffrey Quill made recommendations for the installation of "optically true" glass into the side panels to solve the problem. If the pilot resorted to emergency boost, he had to report this on landing and it had to be noted in the engine log book. The British date the battle from 10 July to 31 October 1940, which represented the most intense period of daylight bombing. [30][37][38] Throughout 1940 the supply situation and distribution of the fuel to the front line services was discussed by the "Co-ordination of Oil Policy Committee". Battle of Britain in the Words of Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding (despatch to the Secretary of State, August 1941), Battle of Britain from the German perspective (Lt Col Earle Lund, USAF): Pdf file, Battle of Britain from the German perspective (Lt Col Earle Lund, USAF), YouTube Video on the subject of the "Messerschmitt Bf 109, Why Such Short Range? The Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 received extra armour in late 1939, and this was supplemented with a 10 mm thick armoured plate behind the pilot's head during and after the Battle of France. The Bf 109E escorts had a limited fuel capacity resulting in only a 660 km (410 mile) maximum range solely on internal fuel,[25] and when they arrived over a British target, had only 10 minutes of flying time before turning for home, leaving the bombers undefended by fighter escorts. Gradually, with the introduction of the Bristol Beaufighter in 1940–41, its role was supplanted by its faster, better armed progeny. Its superlative Merlin 61 engine (powered by 100-octane fuel of US origin) … il y a 13 ans | 8.7K vues. The versions of the Ju 88 used during the battle were the small-wingtipped A-1 and the A-5; the latter incorporated several improvements, including the A-4's increased 20.08 meter wingspan and uprated armament. The Do 17Z was an older type of German bomber that was no longer in production by the start of the Battle. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands donated £215,000 to purchase 43 Spitfires. However, the Ju 87 was slow and possessed an inadequate degree of defensive weaponry, with only a single, 7.92mm calibre MG 15 machine gun at the rear of the cockpit for rearward defense. The E-3, E-4 and E-7s retained the fuselage armament of the E-1 but replaced the MG 17 wing guns with two 20 mm cannons, one in each wing with 60 rpg; either MG FFs (E-3) or the more advanced MG FF/M (E-4 and E-7) that could fire the new German steel-cartridge Minengeschoß mine shell ammunition. The failure of Nazi Germany to destroy Britain's air defence or to break British morale is considered its first major setback. Shortly before the Battle of Britain began, a practice air raid had been arranged between a Spitfire squadron and a Hurricane squadron. Your previous content has been restored. 100) at night during the closing stages of the battle. Powered by Invision Community. On 19 July, after encountering Bf 109s of III./JG 51, 141 Sqn had four Defiants shot down, one written off and one damaged, with 10 crew members killed or missing. As more armour plate was added in vital areas, crew members became less vulnerable. based in Belgium. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The Italian BR.20 was a bomber capable of carrying 1600 kg (3,528 lb) of bombs. "Aircraft Strength and Losses in WW II" (Information based on Cooksley, Peter. [47] The power was increased by 20% over that of the DB 601A, to 1,260 hp at 6,900 feet (2,100 m) at 1.35 atm boost pressure and 2,400 rpm. Of the four types of bomber used by the Luftwaffe the Ju 88 (the original Schnellbomber) was considered to be the most difficult to shoot down. L'explosion du bus en plein Londres était du cinéma. P-40 vs Spitfire p-40-warhawk. your own Pins on Pinterest Yak-3 vs P-51 Prev Next . stuka vs spitfire stuka vs spitfire. 247 Gladiators intercepted a He 111 in late October 1940, without result. This page was last edited on 25 March 2021, at 05:52. The Spitfire was an aircraft of the Royal Air Force used during World War II. Clear editor. Ju-87 Stukas vs Supermarine Spitfires scenes in "Battle of Britain". Despite the Luftwaffe being in the possession of advanced gyroscopic bomb sights, the Lotfernrohr 7 for daylight bombing and electronic navigational aids like the Knickebein, X-Gerät and Y-Gerät for nocturnal bombing, there were some very fundamental limitations to the accuracy of bombing from level flight, and there was no guarantee that such attacks could achieve success on small or difficult targets such as radar stations. It was a problem which was never to be fully resolved and the Luftwaffe bombers had to rely on the ability of their fighters to protect their formations.[68]. In July, No. A drawback of the Hurricane was the presence of a fuel tank just behind the engine firewall, which could catch fire and within a few seconds severely burn the pilot before he managed to bail out.
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