Modulo di richiesta: deve riportare Nome, Cognome, data di nascita e codice fiscale, struttura e/o Medico richiedente nonché i dati clinici essenziali (ematuria, litiasi, precedenti neoplasie vescicali, urine da catetere, da ureterostomia, da vescica ileale).. Modulo Esame Citologico. Fair agreement was obtained between UF-100 and test strip reflectance data for erythrocytes and hemoglobin (r = −0.680) and leukocytes and leukocyte esterase (r = −0.688). Combining diagnostic information provided by urinary flow cytometry and more quantitative test strip analysis therefore offers a theoretical basis for the development of diagnostic expert systems (11)(12). Per informazioni e/o chiarimenti rivolgersi a : segreteria U.O. Viberti GC, Jarrett RJ, Wiseman MJ. Test strip urinalysis was carried out before flow cytometry analysis (Sysmex UF-100; TOA Medical Electronics), using URISYS strips on a URISYS 2400 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics). Modulo di prenotazione. 059/21.34.280, nelle Various low- and high-molecular mass inhibitors have been found in urine (28)(29). endobj These test strips are the same as used in the Miditron but are supplied in a cassette holding 400 test strips for leukocyte esterase, nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin, hemoglobin/myoglobin, and pH. Colombo JP eds. The reproducibility of urinalysis using multiple reagent test strips. Valori scazute ale pH-ului urinar (deci urine acide) se intalnesc in: Reumatismul poliarticular cronic; Reproducibility of protein, leukocyte esterase, hemoglobin, and glucose on the URISYS 2400 analyzer. Glucose was measured by a hexokinase method standardized against Standard Reference Material 917a and Standard Reference Material 965 (n = 85), and total protein by a pyrogallol red method (17) (n = 129) with Standard Reference Material 917a as a standard and commercially available reagents for both measurement procedures (Roche) on a Modular P system (Roche). This leads to improved elimination of occasional errors in the WBC and RBC counting channels of the flow cytometer (11). Appunti per la prova scritta ed orale dell’esame di inglese, modulo 1, 2 e 3 previsto dal nuovo ordinamento per la facoltà di medicina e chirurgia per gli studenti del triennio biologico. The change from urine microscopy to urinary flow cytometry has been accompanied by a significant decrease in imprecision (15). urine delle successive 24 ore, comprese quelle delle ore 7.00 del mattino successivo; durante tutto il periodo di raccolta mantenere il contenitore chiuso in luogo fresco e su superficie sicura, rigorosamente al buio e avvolto in carta stagnola, lontano dalla portata The dashed lines represent the lower limit of detection (− − −) with the 2 SD limits (- - - -). The ratio of hemoglobin reflectance to RBC count was constant when osmolality was >190 mosmol/L. Najčešće hemijske analize su analize na proteine, šećer, ketonska tela, urobilinogen, bilirubin i nitrite. Alkalinization of urine gives rise to erroneous results in particle counting. The within- and between-run CVs for protein, leukocyte esterase, hemoglobin, and glucose are summarized in Table 1. • Apporre il timbro del C. Prelievi presso cui è stato accettato il campione. The imprecision of urinary flow cytometry is far less than that of conventional urinary microscopy, but in some cases urinary flow cytometry reports erroneous results because of analytical interferences (e.g., calcium carbonate crystals falsely increase erythrocyte counts; confusion between yeast cells and erythrocytes). 0000016642 00000 n Mattenheimer H, Adams EC. ECLM. 0000017589 00000 n ATTENZIONE: Con questo servizio si accede direttamente alla sala prelievi (per prelievo sangue o tamponi + eventuale campione biologico).Per la consegna di solo materiale biologico (urine, feci, liquido seminale, etc..) è necessario utilizzare il servizio "SALTA LA … Prendere nota dell'ora (ad esempio ore 7). Quantitative determination of hemoglobin in urine. 0000017717 00000 n In recent studies, the correlation (r) between UFC WBCs and WBCs by counting chamber was 0.93–0.98, and that of UFC RBCs and RBCs by counting chamber was 0.83–0.89 (10)(25)(26). This implies that the test has the potential to offer a screening for microalbuminuria without increased cost, hence coming closer to the “urine test strip of the future” (23). Recently, the URISYS 2400 automated urine test strip analyzer (Roche Diagnostics) was introduced. Ultimo aggiornamento: 19 Luglio 2019 Condividi. Peele J, Gadsden R, Crews R. Semi-automated vs. visual reading of urinalysis dipsticks. The presence of ascorbate oxidase on the glucose test field prevents interference by ascorbic acid. Correlation between glucose measurements (glucose concentration different from 0) by the hexokinase-based method and glucose test strip reading (n = 85). Because urinalysis test strips are often used for checking urinary flow cytometry data (11), there is a need for a more quantitative evaluation of urinalysis test strips. Per la raccolta delle urine delle 24 ore è necessario seguire scrupolosamente questa procedura: Il mattino del giorno d'inizio raccolta, scartare tutta l'urina della prima minzione mattutina, svuotando completamente la vescica nel WC. /Contents 17 0 R (b) In addition, hemoglobin and leukocyte esterase reflectance data are useful for verifying flow cytometric data on RBCs and WBCs. Bacterial peroxidases can also contribute to total peroxidase activity in urine (23). The role of automated urine particle flow cytometry in clinical practice. The dashed lines represent the lower limit of detection (− − −) with the 2 SD limits (- - - -). Modulo di prenotazione. SPERMIOGRAMMA. The intensity of the reaction color of the test pad is detected by measuring the percentage of light reflected from the surface of the test pad. The following regression equation was obtained: y (%) = 78.2 −19.4 logx (106 cells/L); Spearman r = −0.680; P <0.001; Fig. 0000017620 00000 n ISTRUZIONI PER LA RACCOLTA DELLE URINE DURANTE LE 24 ORE Il mattino del giorno precedente l’esame svuotare la vescica alla solita ora (per esempio alle ore 07.00) e, da quel momento in poi, raccogliere tutte le urine successive della giornata e della notte dell’esame fino alle ore 07.00 comprese; 0000016924 00000 n endobj Title: Modulo Es Urine Unificato The lower limit of detection was 25 mg/L (CV = 2.2%) (18). Moreover, a 16% false-positive rate may be unacceptable for screening. TAMPONI URETRALI. 0 Citologia nasale. Joris Penders, Tom Fiers, Joris R Delanghe, Quantitative Evaluation of Urinalysis Test Strips, Clinical Chemistry, Volume 48, Issue 12, 1 December 2002, Pages 2236–2241, Istruzioni per esecuzione esame urine per idoneità sportiva agonistica Compilare il modulo sotto allegato necessario per l'accettazione del campione di urina . In this study, we compared the URISYS 2400 automated strip reader with the Sysmex UF-100 flow cytometer to evaluate the possible value of quantitative test strip data in a urinary expert system. The results are displayed in scattergrams, histograms, and as counts per microliter as well as counts per high-power field. A lower limit of detection of 8 × 106 cells/L (CV = 1.2%) was calculated. The dashed lines represent the lower limit of detection (− − −) with the 2 SD limits (- - - -). Contenitore pulito (es. 3. Kutter D. The urine test strip of the future. L'esame delle urine richiesto per la certificazione di idoneità sportiva agonistica deve essere effettuato prima della data della visita (entro i 30 giorni precedenti) utilizzando l'apposito modulo fornito dalla Società Sportiva per l'accesso al laboratorio analisi e seguendo le istruzioni. P values <0.05 were considered significant. Flow cytometry has been introduced for urinalysis (9)(10) to obtain quantitative data on urinary particles. Access to the instrument’s raw data theoretically allows a higher analytical sensitivity for several analytes. Westgard JO. L’analisi del sedimento urinario valuta inoltre la presenza di cellule, cristalli e cilindri. Esame delle urine: si cambia Published in: La Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio, July 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s13631-017-0157-7: Authors: Rudi Ravasio, Giulia Previtali, Francesca Nembrini, Maria Grazia Alessio View on publisher site Alert me about new mentions. Scaderi anormale. Ce intelegem din rezultatul examenului de urina? 3. To fully explore the possibilities of the albumin test pad in first-line diagnosis, a formal study should be performed. (Accessed May 2002).. Froom P, Bieganiec B, Ehrenrich Z, Barak M. Stability of common analytes in urine refrigerated for 24 h before automated analysis by test strips. Articole Gratuite, Manopere - Recoltări probe microbiologice, Subiecte medicale. Results: Reproducibility of the reflectance signal was good for high- and low-concentration urine pools for protein (0.8% and 0.9% and 1.5% and 2.2% within and between runs, respectively), leukocyte esterase (1.1% and 1.0%; 5.1% and 1.2%), hemoglobin (1.7% and 1.1%; 8.9% and 1.1%) and glucose (2.1% and 0.5%; 6.5% and 2.3%). Langlois et al. Ottomano C. Tecnologia ed automazione dell’ esame urine quantitativo. o campione delle urine raccolte. In this study, we wanted to investigate the performance of quantitative urinary test strip analysis. 14 22 The peroxidase-like activity of the hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex. Visualizza la pagina con l'elenco dei punti prelievo aggiornata. 0000016556 00000 n 2. No effect of conductivity on the leukocyte esterase field was noted. Esame urine completo CHE MATERIALE SERVE PER LA RACCOLTA? The protein test (n = 220) detected 86% (95% confidence interval, 78–92%) of samples with <30 mg/L albumin with a specificity of 84% (95% confidence interval, 76–91%). Fax 32-9-240-4985; e-mail, © 2002 The American Association for Clinical Chemistry, This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (, Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Understanding the Journey, Giant Magnetoresistive Nanosensor Analysis of Circulating Tumor DNA Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations for Diagnosis and Therapy Response Monitoring, Inflammation in Atherosclerosis—No Longer a Theory, Assessment of multiplex digital droplet RT-PCR as a diagnostic tool for SARS-CoV-2 detection in nasopharyngeal swabs and saliva samples, The IFCC Clinical Application of Cardiac Biomarkers Committee’s Appraisal of the 2020 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting Without Persistent ST-segment Elevation: Getting Cardiac Troponin Right, Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing, Clinical Chemistry Guide to Manuscript Review,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2021 American Association of Clinical Chemistry. <> Urine per esami di citologia urinaria Sassuolo. COME RACCOGLIERE LE URINE? 1. The Sysmex UF-100 is a urinary flow cytometer-based walkaway instrument that performs automated microscopic analysis. Urine puternic acide (pH < 4,5) se produc in procesele maligne (are loc distrugerea crescuta de proteine), febra, diaree abundenta, acidoza diabetica sau metabolica. In particular, we wanted to compare the reflectance readings of the protein test field with immunochemical microalbumin determinations. PRELIEVI DOMICILIARI. The UF-100 flow cytometer automatically determines the conductivity, so we performed multiple regression analysis on the study population, calculated in a regression model the hemoglobin reflectance vs RBCs and conductivity, and found that the t-value (as expected) for RBCs was −8.442 (P <0.0001). 0000017492 00000 n >> The principle is based on argon laser flow cytometry. We found a close correlation between the log-transformed albumin results (x) and the test strip reflectance results (y): y (%) = 68.2 − 9.26[logx (mg/L)]; Spearman r = −0.825; P <0.001; Fig. Examen sumar de urină Ce este examenul sumar de urină? This instrument offers th… %PDF-1.4 <> Orsonneau JL, Douet P, Massoubre C, Lustenberger P, Bernard S. An improved pyrogallol red-molybdate method for determining total urinary protein. <> Provetta a fondo conico, trasparente, fornita dal Laboratorio/Centro Prelievi o acquistata in Farmacia. Sacks DB, Bruns DE, Goldstein DE, Maclaren NK, McDonald JM, Parrott M. Guidelines and recommendations for laboratory analysis in the diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus. Because of the procedure for applying the urine to the test strips on the URISYS 2400, improper dipping is no longer a problem, nor is confusion about sample identification or urine contamination caused by dipping the strip in the tube, which potentially leads to interferences with chromatographic methods (31). It must be noted, however, that the sensitivity (86%) may be inadequate for patients with known diabetes in whom physicians do not want to miss microalbuminuria in their annual testing. Viene venduto in scatole da 25 pezzi. 0000016847 00000 n As shown by our multiple regression model and dilution experiments, the hemoglobin field reflectance test is not influenced by dilution effects. La provetta contenente le prime urine della mattina deve essere portata e consegnata dall'utente o da suo? (11) reported disagreement in erythrocyte counts between the UF-100 and the hemoglobin test strip reaction in 6.5% of cases. Delanghe JR, Kouri TT, Huber AR, Hannemann-Pohl K, Guder WG, Lun A, et al. ����~��ݟ_��3��?��s!b��c�x���S涴{���5�֓���ĭ#��B}��W������9���,��@Kw_9[g!�s�^�~m~=r��/�1ɸw�ֺ4�koK1��W!ň��8��DI99��� ��-t��,$н�3�_�X p� �Nd�zN���8�7����4�S�xS}�{Gi`E���s1k�� 14 0 obj Kouri T, Kähkönen U, Malminiemi K, Vuento R, Rowan M. Evaluation of Sysmex UF-100 urine flow cytometer vs chamber counting of supravitally stained specimens and conventional bacterial cultures. 0000000015 00000 n %�쏢 Glucose reflectance (y; %) = 53.9 − 19.3 log(glucose; mmol/L); Spearman r = −0.851; P <0.001). Agreement was fair between the flow cytometric RBC data (x) and the URISYS 2400 hemoglobin reflectance measurements (y) for counts above the upper reference limit (25 × 106 RBC/L on UF-100). When urinary WBC counts were higher than the upper reference limit (25 × 106 cells/L), the following regression equation was obtained: y (%) = 83.7 −15.4 logx (106 cells/L); Spearman r = −0.688; P <0.001. Rodico J. The two outer solid lines represent the 95% prediction interval around the regression line. Particles that cannot be classified in one of the former categories are counted as “other cells”. Urine per esami di citologia urinaria Vignola. The strips include reagent pads for ordinal scale reporting of relative density, pH, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin, and hemoglobin/myoglobin. Pregled mokraćnog sedimenta tj. x��]��q�\t�I�W�(v�q.�'{G��|�#�*�|I��V*%�4��HJ�$W����0 z�=�K�,�'K%���h�t����~�dT2�q��nrƪ�����?>�N�dn�~�����9Nn�n���31�u�����
s0��f�j�}��0o��ٹ�vV:L�n�nw�~t9G/�}�-��?���zk��v����e���;�9����~�Q�x���K�#�q�xf�����˃&��x�h]�w��vJ�>Z�ڇ�B~Wٺ��7����fZ�]��U�2�� ��n�n� This could improve level 1 urinary screening (12): it offers an improved, fast, reliable method that is easy to handle and usable in primary-care laboratories. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Hemoglobin reflectance (y; %) = 78.2 − 19.4 log(RBC count; 106 cells/L); (Spearman r = −0.680; P <0.001. Test strip measurements had reasonable lower limits of detection for WBC (19 × 106/L). Predicting diabetic nephropathy [Letter]. The reproducibility of (semi)automated readings is at least as good as visual readings (2), but most authors find the analytical, clinical, and labor cost-saving advantages of (semi)automated vs visual reading to be obvious (3). This offers several possibilities: (a) The sensitivity for albumin may allow affordable screening for microalbuminuria, particularly in patients with undiagnosed renal damage. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate a model relating leukocyte esterase and hemoglobin field reflectance. 2. ����,����bdm,�1"�Ql�m�[2ƥ+����M����}1��a4�Wrg��c�qE:�7輬M�-sx���L�+%{���^�" J�ك�M�Nm0�0�t���=Ƴ)1��?���L. Background: Urine test strip results are generally reported in categories (i.e., ordinal scaled), but automated strip readers are now available that can report quantitative data. Hence, extremely alkaline urine samples were not present in the samples we investigated. 4 depicts the correlation between both measurement methods and the lower limit of detection of 0.17 mmol/L (CV = 1.3%) with the 2 SD limits. Whelan PV, McGill C, Ng K. Evaluation of the BMC Chemstrip urine analyzer and Chemstrip 10 UA test strip with emphasis on comparison with analytical, chemical, physical, and microscopic methods [Abstract]. Department of Clinical Chemistry University Hospital Ghent. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 0000017558 00000 n Van Acker J, Verstraete A, Van Hamme M, Delanghe J. Falsely increased urinary caffeine attributable to contamination by urine test strips. • Applicare a lato un’etichetta con il codice a barre. Examenul de urina este un test de diagnostic si ajuta la identificarea substantelor si a materialului celular din urina, asociate cu diferite tulburari metabolice si renale. The dashed lines represent the lower limit of detection (− − −) with the 2 SD limits (- - - -). The presence of haptoglobin in urine enhances the peroxidase activity of hemoglobin (29)(30). Evaluation of the Sysmex UF-100 automated urinalysis analyzer. Because RBCs tend to lyse in urine, we investigated the linearity of the hemoglobin test strip pad. On the other hand, the quantitative evaluation of test strips may help to eliminate analytical errors in RBC counting attributable to the presence of yeast cells or large amounts of calcium carbonate crystals (11)(15). Istruzioni per esecuzione esame urine per idoneità sportiva agonistica • compilare questo modulo per l’accettazione del campione di urina (la provetta per l’esame potrà essere ritirata presso le sedi della Medicina dello Sport o acquistata in farmacia) The correlation coefficient for the glucose signal with the routine hexokinase-based method was −0.851. It has been extensively evaluated for urinalysis (9)(10)(11)(15) as well as for cerebrospinal fluid analysis (16). As is the case for WBCs, the lower limit of detection for RBCs is acceptable (8 × 106/L). Modde H, Rodriguez S. Urin Mikrobiologie. 0000029149 00000 n Serum free light chain analysis and urine immunofixation electrophoresis in patients with multiple myeloma Autori: Nowrousian MR, Brandhorst D, Sammet C et al. In this study, the urinary hemoglobin concentration did not agree well with the RBC count obtained by flow cytometry. Pugia MJ, Lott JA, Kajima J, Saambe T, Sasaki M, Kuromoto K, et al. Urine per esami di citologia urinaria raccolte Castelfranco Emilia. Correlation between RBC counts (x; flow cytometry) and test strip hemoglobin concentration (y) for RBC counts >25 × 106 cells/L (n = 96). Urina este un produs biologic care joacă un rol important în diagnosticul clinic, fiind obținută prin procedee neinvazive. Because microalbuminuria is generally regarded as an excellent marker for assessing early renal damage in common conditions such as diabetes and hypertension (4)(5)(6)(7) and as an early predictor of preeclampsia during pregnancy (8), the availability of highly sensitive test strip readers opens interesting perspectives for assessing this phenomenon. Additional dilution experiments were carried out. The automation of sediment analysis using a new urine flow cytometer (UF-100). Title: Microsoft Word - Note informative Sito CdC Rizzola.doc Author: pichetti Created Date: 3/18/2020 4:11:07 PM For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Per effettuare l’esame urine compilare il presente modulo in ogni sua parte IN STAMPATELLO:!"!" Regeniter A, Haenni V, Risch L, Köchli HP, Colombo JP, Frei R. Urine analysis performed by flow cytometry: reference range determination and comparison to morphological findings, dipstick chemistry and bacterial culture results – a multicenter study. delegato presso un qualunque centro prelievi Two discrepancies (0.9%) were found in which the test strips on both automated strip readers overestimated the urinary albumin concentration by >10-fold. 0000016709 00000 n Mendeley readers. 0000007901 00000 n 17 0 obj xref The inhibitory effect of urine on the peroxidase-like activity of hemoglobin and on horseradish peroxidase. We studied 436 freshly collected urine samples submitted to our routine laboratory for diagnostic urinalysis. Test strip analysis plays an important role in urinalysis as such, and the value of test strip urinalysis as a screening method has been thoroughly demonstrated (1). Multiple regression analysis on the study population showed no effect of conductivity on test strip leukocyte esterase. stream Search for other works by this author on: Author for correspondence. Dilution was also monitored with a range of specific gravity of 1.005–1.033 and a median result of 1.017. Similarly, protein reflectance data and total protein measurements correlated well (Spearman r = −0.921; P <0.001), which is expected as long as the major protein is albumin. The lower limit of detection (18) was calculated as the mean value − 3 SD for a blank sample. Specific gravity (refractometry based) and clarity are measured in a flow cell, and color is rated with a specific algorithm against the blank pad on the test strip. TEST DI MEARES. Data are expressed in an ordinal scale (as “normal”, “negative”, “positive”, or as nominal concentrations) on the reports, but (quantitative) reflectance data can be downloaded to floppy disks. The detection limit of the URISYS 2400 protein assay was 25 mg/L if restricted to albumin alone and total protein was not considered. Modulo di prenotazione. Secrezioni mammarie. Tutela della salute nelle attività sportive, tel. Raccogliere le prime urine del mattino o, in alternativa, le urine emesse dopo almeno 2 ore dalla prima. • Inserire il codice esame (ECU ) e il codice richiedente 6650. Ce intelegem din rezultatul examenului de urina? Bennett PH, Haffner S, Kasiske BL, Keane WF, Mogensen CE, Parving HH, et al. Fig. Od krvi se razlikuje po tem, da ne vsebuje krvnih celic (eritrocitov, levkocitov, trombocitov) in makromolekularnih snovi – beljakovin. It therefore is advantageous to have a better estimation of the true concentration. questionario per l’esecuzione dell’esame citologico dell’urina (DA CONSEGNARE ASSIEME AI CAMPIONI RACCOLTI) QUESTO ESAME E’ STATO RICHIESTO DA: Combur 10-Test M strips on a Miditron automated reflectance photometer (Roche) (13)(14), used in our routine laboratory, were used in parallel as a control. Because microalbuminuria is characterized by large intraindividual variability, an ordinal-scale answer might be misleading. 1. Liquido seminale per citologia. Of all the diagnostically relevant urinary markers, only albumin and transferrin accept protons well, so the potential error of missing Bence Jones proteinuria remains when test strip screening strategies are used in proteinuria (21), although many cases presenting with Bence Jones or tubular proteinuria show microalbuminuria (23). Anno: 2005 Modulo: 6 Identification of amyloidogenetic light chains requires the combination of serum-free light chain assay with immunofixation of serum and urine Urine test strip analysis was performed with the automated URISYS 2400. startxref
È un’analisi che valuta caratteristiche fisiche come colore, aspetto, odore, ma anche alcune componenti chimiche come proteine, sangue e glucosio. In contrast, conductivity showed a t-value of only 1.477 (P = 0.141). La documentazione di riferimento per l‟esecuzione dell‟esame urine dovrebbe comprendere una accurata descrizione della fase preanalitica, analitica e post-analitica. BREATH TEST. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed by ROC analysis using commercially available statistical software (MedCalc®). The UF-100 automatically detects and counts red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), bacteria, yeast cells, crystals, epithelial cells, small round cells, sperm cells, and casts. L’esame di analisi delle urine (ECMU: Esame Chimico Morfologico Urine) è un comune test di screening, non invasivo per il paziente poiché è necessario un campione delle urine che dev’essere raccolto in un contenitore sterile per la raccolta delle urine. The two outer solid lines represent the 95% prediction interval around the regression line. Controlla la creatinina e Ph. Kouri T, Fogazzi G, Gant V, Hallander H, Hofmann W, Guder WG. Conclusions: In urine test strip analysis, quantitative hemoglobin and leukocyte esterase reflectance data are complementary with flow cytometric results and glucose and albumin results. Barrare la sede nella quale si effettua la visita Via Alessandrini, 6 Consegnare il presente modulo e la provetta con le urine (almeno 4 giorni lavorativi prima della visita) presso uno dei seguenti Centri Prelievo nei giorni e negli orari indicati. 0000017284 00000 n 1. Higher correlations were observed for biochemical and test strip data comparing protein and albumin (r = −0.825) and glucose data (r = −0.851). The two outer solid lines represent the 95% prediction interval around the regression line. It could be of special interest in patients with undiagnosed diabetes or hypertension in whom microalbuminuria is regarded as an excellent marker for assessing early renal damage (4)(5)(6)(7), particularly because many patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are asymptomatic and their diabetic state remains undiagnosed for years (24). This is stable for 30 days when stored tightly capped at 2–8 °C. 0000007922 00000 n When monitoring our samples, we found a median pH of 6.5 (95% interval, 5–8). Test strip analysis plays an important role in urinalysis as such, and the value of test strip urinalysis as a screening method has been thoroughly demonstrated (1).