Rangiku recalls Haineko's ashes back into its sword form. Dans l'Épisode 228, aux scènes du prochain épisode, elle allait se déshabiller parce que personne ne la complimentait sur son maillot de bain très étriqué. En tentant d'échapper au désastre du Bankai d'Ashisogi Jizō, Rangiku ainsi que tous les autres vice capitaines s'évanouissent à cause du poison. Mais que si il avait pu, le premier couple qu'il aurait formé serait probablement Rangiku et Gin. Unfortunately, the Arrancar escape Momo's attack, and use their Resurrección to heal themselves and then combine their powers to counterattack. Il exprime alors son regret de ne pas avoir pu rester un peu plus longtemps. Et puis, il descella son Shikai. Peu de temps après, Hitsugaya et le capitaine de la Sixième Division, Byakuya Kuchiki attendent au sommet d'un toit lorsque Rangiku arrive et demande ce qui se passe. Cependant, elle suspecte Haineko de les avoir volé, et demande à celle-ci où est-elle lorsqu'elle n'était pas au Seireitei. Elles sont bientôt interrompues par Apacci qui jette son Zanpakutō sur elles dans le nuage de fumée, forçant Matsumoto à former un bouclier de cendres pour les protéger. It is then that he realizes that such a plot would be far too elaborate for Gin to carry out by himself. Muramasa then decides to restrain them with a binding attack, but his weakened condition causes the effect to wear off. Pendant la nuit, alors que la majorité des Shinigamis hauts-gradés du Gotei 13 sont rassemblés à la La colline du Sogyoku, Haineko passe devant elle en lui disant de se pousser. Elle informe alors les autres Shinigamis que les limites sont levées, et Hitsugaya, Renji et elle-même relâchent alors leurs sceaux. [52] Luppi recaptures her while Urahara takes on Yammy, allowing Luppi to taunt her for being so careless, prompting Rangiku to state that he talks too much and she hates guys that talk too much. Toshiro can't stand anything he deems childish or immature, and yet when Rangiku acts in exactly such a manner, he tolerates it. Rangiku dit alors que s'il était devenu trop lourd pour elle, elle ne le porterait pas. Rangiku, ainsi que les autres, sont finalement attrapés par les tentacules. Elle porte un collier en chaîne d'or mince et une écharpe rose sur les épaules qui tombe des deux côtés jusqu'à sa taille. She asked what he was doing with Shinigami clothes and where he got them. Before Reigai-Byakuya can finish them off, Yamamoto arrives and quickly defeats the Reigai. Lorsque Nakeem demande ce que sont les limites, elle lui explique alors leurs fonctions. Bleach: Gin Ichimaru's Betrayal of Soul Society, Explained. Even though Rangiku tells her that she understands, she slightly worries as she still addresses him as 'Captain'. [11] It was during this time that Gin asked Rangiku when her birthday was. [30] When the Gillian’s Negación field comes down to save Ichimaru, however, she releases her hold upon him. Still, this Soul Reaper is a capable fighter when duty calls, and she is a wonderful person and a good friend. Peu de temps après. Ce fut à cette époque que Gin demanda à Rangiku quelle était la date de son anniversaire. Elle s'habille en costume typique de Shinigami, même si elle laisse pendre ses vêtements de façon à révéler très amplement sa poitrine. ichigo is trying to kick everyone out of his house and rangiku trys a little special convincing 1 Prelude 2 Battle 3 Aftermath 4 References 5 Navigation At nighttime in downtown Karakura Town, Yasutora Sado and Noba silently patrol the streets in search … This offended Rangiku, who felt that she should be next in line. With her broad-minded personality, the chances of guys in the 13 divisions who say no to her... do not exist." Elle est rejointe dans la bataille par Shūhei Hisagi, parmi tant d'autres. Just as all seems lost, Captain-Commander Yamamoto arrives and easily burns Ayon into oblivion with his Shikai. Unconvinced by Haineko's denial, Matsumoto states that it is kind of scary, prompting Haineko to leave almost immediately. Rangiku clashes with Rukia as Ichigo passes overhead. Elle prit un coup direct de la créature Hollow Ayon, causant la perte de l'entière partie de son flanc droit, et restant tout de même vivante. Son Zanpakutō. However, Byakuya reveals to them that he is not there to fight his Zanpakutō, but is following his inner desires: to protect his pride. Rangiku Matsumoto est le lieutenant de la Dixième Division du Gotei 13, obéissant aux ordres de son capitaine, Tōshirō Hitsugaya. June 8, 2017 DêvilReject . Hitsugaya, déterminé à découvrir le fond du problème, réalisa que l'unique manière de le résoudre était d'arrêter l'exécution. Before she can be done in by the attack the tendril is cut off from Luppi by a blast of energy by Kisuke Urahara. Bleach never got the ending it deserved, neither in the anime (ending with the Fullbring arc) nor the manga (pettiness between publisher and writer forcing it to be rushed), but that doesn't mean there weren't some truly shocking moments along the way. [19] When the report is made that intruders have invaded the Seireitei Rangiku is among the others gathered at the meeting who are informed of those missing in action. He then bids her farewell and apologizes. Lorsque Haineko et Matsumoto s'attaquent avec leurs Shikai, Narunosuke, désormais un Tōjū totalement transformé, frappe Matsumoto et attaque Haineko, mais est bloqué par Matsumoto, la frappant une fois de plus. [125][126], High Spiritual Power: Being a lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Rangiku boasts a high level of spiritual energy. [114] After Bazz-B explains the power of his flames, Hitsugaya states that the two of them should retreat, before Bazz-B attacks Hitsugaya. BSI Chapter 24 : Matsumoto Rangiku. Izuru explains that in fact his former classmates Renji and Momo know of it, but he assures her she will now know it as well. When Rangiku says that she's never seen it despite all that they've been through, suggesting that he is faking it, Hisagi tries to defend himself after both Kensei and Hitsugaya also state that they've never seen it. Hitsugaya explains that that is the result of him and Rangiku using their powers in combination. Anime/Manga Romance Bleach Gin Ichimaru Rangiku Matsumoto. Rangiku est laissée sérieusement blessée au niveau de son cou et inconsciente, tandis que Gin s'en allait. Before I thought Rangiku was raped because here you see that her robe was opened and here you see that it is … Haineko (灰猫, "chat de cendres"): La forme du Zanpakutō est celle d'un katana à lame droite. She is drinking buddies with Shunsui Kyōraku and Shūhei Hisagi.[2]. Rangiku lui demande si cela n'est pas évident, puis répond qu'elle est venue parce qu'il est ici, et qu'elle peut enfin lui demander pourquoi travaille-t-il sous Aizen et pourquoi a-t-il trahi Kira qui avait tant confiance en lui. Bleach Figurine de Rangiku Matsumoto 15 cm: Amazon.fr: Jeux et Jouets Choisir vos préférences en matière de cookies Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. Gin remarque qu'il n'a pas demandé comment est-elle arrivée ici mais pourquoi est-elle venue avec un corps si tremblant. She further explained that his grandmother looked pretty cold, which causes Hitsugaya for the first time to notice that the room was exceedingly cold and affecting his grandmother. Rangiku Matsumoto (松本 乱菊, Matsumoto Rangiku) is the lieutenant of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13, serving under Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya. You're my kryptonite Rangiku~An Rangiku and Gin bleach fanfic. Rangiku and Nanao insist that only three hours have passed. The Sternritter then releases Hitsugaya's Bankai to kill them. Rangiku proceeds to attack with her Shikai, but is outnumbered by the henchmen, who seem to have lost control of their souls and therefore their sense of pain, as Rangiku deducted herself. When Rangiku begins to muse at the idea of when Izuru mastered his Bankai, Hitsugaya tells her that it is not Izuru and informs her that he himself doesn't know who it is. As Haineko refuses, Narunosuke's pain and anger quickly transform him into a Tōjū. 25/07/2007: 135: Kon is Deceived! During their conversation, Muramasa arrives at their location through a Garganta. greetings and thank you for watching of my first amv with my sugary gin rangiku and ichigo. Rangiku se précipita alors pour retrouver Hitsugaya. Quoique Gin s'en allât souvent sans lui dire où. I was thinking your ears were as bad as your face and your style.". It's been 5 years since Gin's death and Rangiku is still grieving about it and Orihime and Ichigo has a plan to stop it but could it make things worse or better for her? L'Arrancar la regarde et note qu'elle a un corps sexy et demande s'il devrait faire pleins de petits trous dessus, révélant que l'extrémité de ses tentacules possèdent des épines, et s'apprête à la transpercer avec. Matsumoto suit alors Haineko jusqu'à une cabane, où elle trouve la Zanpakutō avec le Tōjū Narunosuke qui souffre de douloureuses migraines. When electing the "best girl" in the Bleach anime, what about the vivacious Rangiku and the charming Momo? In addition, the shade of her eyes differs between the manga and the anime. [41], When the 6th Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez leads an attack on the Human World, Rangiku makes her way to the roof of Orihime's building to meet Hitsugaya. Dans la Soul Society, les Shinigamis du Gotei 13 sont autorisés à prendre un jour de repos et faire la fête, afin de récupérer leurs forces en vue du récent chaos. Matsumoto essaya de le raisonner, mais Kira refusa de lui répondre, car, d'après lui, elle allait mourir. She is later seen standing in the shadows as Hitsugaya arduously trains to get stronger. June 8, 2017 DêvilReject . 82%. Before the Shinigami can act, the Reigai step forward, saying that they will stop their fellow Mod-Soul's chaotic plan as their goal has always been to protect the Soul Society in their own way. Realizing now that Hinamori has been following him and Matsumoto the entire time he turns back and orders Matsumoto to handle Izuru. When she does not receive a reply, she reminds her of the position they are all in; as a Shinigami and Zanpakutō, they are obligated to kill any Tōjū for the safety of Soul Society's residents, and tells Haineko to get away from him so that she can kill him. Rangiku Matsumoto (松本 乱菊, Matsumoto Rangiku) é a Tenente da 10ª Divisão do Gotei 13, sob o comando de Tōshirō Hitsugaya. The English dub has her inner monologue directed to Izuru while the Japanese version and the manga both have it directed to Ichimaru. Rangiku begins to howl in tears, Aizen watching silently. Gin Ichimaru was a villain and a traitor, but his reasons for defecting paint a much different picture of the disgraced Soul Reaper. Muramasa begins to fight Ichigo, but is having trouble adjusting to his "new" body, something both Rangiku and Momo notice. Ils sont alors tous alertés par l'arrivée d'Arrancars menés par le remplaçant de Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez; Luppi Antenor. Returning to her duties after a three year absence, she respectfully declined to become the lieutenant of the 10th Division once more as she felt that too far of a gap had formed between her and her former Captain; so Rangiku was … Rangiku révéla alors que le Zanpakutō d'Izuru était inefficace face au sien qui a la capacité de se transformer en cendres. Rangiku starts out well, but her inexperience against such an opponent allows for her to be captured and injured several times by the doll. As he goes to punch her, Rangiku simply blocks it with her forearm and tells him that he is slow and states that upon his arrival he showed great speed, she then asks that he do so again. Later, Kon runs into her on the street and realizes the Rangiku he had seen earlier was a Reigai. Lorsque tout semble perdu, le Capitaine-Commandant Yamamoto arrive et tue facilement Ayon avec son Shikai. While she seems somewhat self-centered, she is sensitive to the feelings of others, evident when she sees the concern Hitsugaya has for Momo Hinamori, the guilt Izuru Kira shares with her when Gin Ichimaru is revealed as a traitor, and when Orihime Inoue feels depressed about her role in Ichigo Kurosaki's life. Rangiku, surprise, touche son collier, voyant Gin s'approcher d'elle et lui demander pourquoi est-elle réellement venue. At first, Tite Kubo’s Bleach seemed like a series where the line between bad guys and good one was fairly clear. [81], Rangiku is first seen trying to get her Zanpakutō, Haineko, to come out, since she wants to reach Bankai in order to fight on an even level with the opponents Soul Society has been fighting recently. As Rangiku notices something odd, their Hell Butterflies turn into energy. Then Hitsugaya realizes the only possible scenario is that they were killed before they were sealed in and that all the recent orders have been in fact false. Alors que la discussion commençait à peine, le Capitaine Shūsuke Amagai apparaît alors et Hitsugaya est surpris de le voir aux côtés d'Ichigo. Bleach: Manga: Fairy tail: One piece: Jeux vidéo: 2 Quizz créés: 45903ème 12. She then tells Gin to put away his sword, as if he doesn't, she will be his opponent. xiaxue; Posted on 02/04/2019; Bleach: Secret Intentions ; No Comments; Edited: XiaXue “Join the Punishment team?” Soi Fon frowned, looks at Xia Yan, and looked a little puzzled. Rangiku, on the other hand, is a flippant, goofy, and buxom lieutenant. [51] Rangiku is eventually ensnared along with the others by one of Luppi's many tentacles. arigato ichigo | AMV greetings and thank you for watching of my first amv with my sugary gin rangiku and ichigo. She makes no effort to conceal the latter, wearing loose-fitting robes that expose much cleavage, which she flaunts to try to win over male characters, openly allowing her chest to become a topic in casual conversation. Divertissements. Death note par rangiku le 15 Jan. 2012 » Tous les Quizz: 1848 Quizz joués - 82 % . She then tells the trio they should have surrounded her when they had the chance, but now that they are all in one spot they have lost any advantage that they had.[63]. Though Rukia pleads with him to let them explain, Hitsugaya assures her he will, but only after he has taken them to the Captain-Commander. [23], Later, when Hitsugaya faces off with 3rd Division Captain Gin Ichimaru, she stops Ichimaru’s blade from killing an unconscious Momo, thus saving her life. [112] After Hitsugaya seemingly defeats Bazz-B, Rangiku and her captain take note of the explosion caused by Captain Suì-Fēng's battle with BG9. Momo and Rangiku confront their Zanpakutō Spirits. 1454 joués. Alors que ses cheveux ont été uniformément colorés en blond doré dans le manga, dans l'anime ils contiennent une teinte rousse, les faisant apparaître blond-miel au lieu de blond traditionnel. Rangiku questions her captain about the new captain. Hitsugaya tells her that the strategy they are using was set up by the Captain-Commander. Rangiku apologizes, stating she was going to head back as Hitsugaya had instructed, but she felt the spiritual release of Hyōrinmaru and turned back around. By Tolulanguy Jul 17, 2020. Toshiro is a serious, mature, young-looking captain in Soul Society. What are ten facts that newcomers to Bleach should know about squad 10's Lieutenant Matsumoto? Lorsque Rangiku commence à se demander depuis quand Izuru a maîtrisé son Bankai, Hitsugaya l'informe que ce n'est pas Izuru et qu'il ne sait pas l'identité du nouveau Capitaine. Matsumoto dénie savoir qui en est le responsable. Rangiku then reveals that his weight-affecting Zanpakutō is rendered useless by her Zanpakutō's ability to dissolve into ash. [121] Rangiku can also use Hadō #31. It has a dark red handle. La phrase d'invocation de Rangiku a d'abord été "Rugit" dans la version anglaise, mais a été utilisée plus tard en tant que "Grogne" dans l'Arc des Arrancars. Rangiku then releases her Zanpakutō, enveloping the three Arrancar in a cloud of ash. -Subcribe -Comment -Rate -Like Please dont flag :) Rangiku has long and wavy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth. [69] As Izuru heals her, Shūhei and Tetsuzaemon Iba are defeated, and Ayon advances on them. Though she is not a common user of this art, she is able to use Bakudō #77 without incantation. Her spiritual power is white. Cause it seems that all of them are listed as still being alive on the bleach wiki, except for rose. She then tells the others that the limit release has been approved, causing her, Renji and Hitsugaya to remove their seals.[44]. It is shorter, stopping short of her shoulders and curling near her chin, the left side of which hangs over her face. Byakuya explique davantage que, étant donné que le clan Kasumiōji est une famille noble avec un statut spécial, le Gotei 13 ne pourrait jamais interférer avec eux, sauf s'ils violent une loi grave. Rangiku remarque ensuite qu'elle a utilisé un 12# Fushibi plus large et plus compliqué que jamais auparavant. She also shares Orihime's very strange taste in food. I think he killed two disciples when he was with Rangiku and the last one after becoming a shinigami. Senbonzakura activates his Bankai and attacks Ichigo, as well as Rangiku and Momo. [21] She is also the one who restrains Momo after her brief fight with Izuru Kira, when her captain, Tōshirō Hitsugaya orders them arrested. When questioned, they insist that only three hours have passed since Hitsugaya ordered them to return.[91]. [105] When the Sternritter invade Seireitei, Rangiku and Captain Hitsugaya are confronted by one of the Wandenreich. Après que Gin battit en retraite, elle commença à se demander où il avait bien pu aller. However, during this time, Rangiku notices the attacking capabilities of the doll, noticing that it attacks from the shadows it creates. Pour les aider dans leurs missions, ils se déguisent en écoliers de l'école d'Ichigo. Rangiku plainly tells him that she doesn't and she assumes no one does as he has never spoken about it. The three attack all at once, but are soon caught in a "Kidō net", confusing the Arrancar completely. Rangiku est entrée dans l'Académie Shinō peu après Gin. She would regularly chastise him for neglecting his paperwork. Another time Rangiku was censored was in Chapter 209: Lift the Limit, in Viz's Shonen Jump magazine. Rangiku Matsumoto is Lieutenant of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13, serving under Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya. After returning to Hitsugaya, reporting on the retreats, she states it is a good time to start their strategy, and releases Haineko, and Hitsugaya responds by creating an ice wall. Analysant la situation, elle tente de garder tout le monde dans les airs, mais réalise que le Bount peut attaquer à travers des objets solides, et non que du sol. Elle le tient dans ses bras, et fond en larmes lorsqu'elle réalise qu'il est énormément blesser et qu'il risque de mourir. 86%. Rangiku makes note that had her captain not found it the letter would have been taken in as evidence and Momo would have never seen it. Bien qu'un peu confuse à propos de la raison pour laquelle elle a été envoyée au Monde Humain, Rangiku est choquée lorsque Izuru Kira et Shūhei Hisagi partent tous les deux s'occuper de leurs propres affaires, la laissant seule. Rangiku "escorts" Isshin back to the office. Gin touches her necklace and asks why she has really come as he moves in close and points his blade at her face, telling her she is in the way.[77]. Elle remarque ensuite qu'elles auraient dû l'encercler lorsqu'elles en avait l'occasion, et que désormais qu'elles se sont rassemblées ensemble, elles avaient perdu l'avantage du nombre. Haineko redirects here. La créature se précipite alors sur elle, cette dernière s'apprêtant à desceller Haineko pour se défendre, mais avant qu'elle ne puisse réagir, Ayon lui arrache le côté droit de son abdomen tandis que Momo lui cria dessus. - Tite Kubo[1]. Find out. A variety of powerful kido spells can be used to augment a Soul Reaper's combat abilities, and Soul Reapers such as Captain Byakuya Kuchiki and Sosuke Aizen can use the most advanced spells of all. [48] Luppi becomes bored and insists that they all fight against him 4 on 1 as he is going to release and take them all on as a group. Later, she along with Orihime and Haineko are attacked by a Tōjū that has transformed by fusing with a Hollow. Bleach: Official Character Book 3 UNMASKED, Bleach: Official Invitation Book The Hell Verse, The DiamondDust Rebellion, Another Hyōrinmaru, https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Rangiku_Matsumoto?oldid=539366, She appears in the third and sixth to eighth editions of the. She is well known for her curvaceous figure; her most distinctive feature of it is her very large breasts. Chacune des Arrancars sacrifie alors son bras gauche pour former une créature avec une capacité appelée Quimera Parca. Rangiku ressent un malaise en fixant les yeux de la créature et remarque qu'elle a l'impression de regarder dans un profond trou dont on ne voit pas le fond. Her easy-going and free-spirited personality makes a sharp contrast to the serious Hitsugaya, but the two seem to be quite close regardless. Aizen se dirige vers eux tandis que Rangiku pleure, or l'attention d'Aizen est retenue par l'arrivée d'Ichigo, ainsi que de son père inconscient, qui le confronte. [31], One week later, Izuru visits Rangiku in the 10th Division barracks to apologize. Rangiku arrives in Karakura Town to confront Gin and Aizen. Elle est connue pour sa figure bien roulée, son trait le plus distinctif est sa très grosse poitrine, plus importante encore que celle d'Orihime Inoue. Bien que cela prenne l'apparence de cendres dispersées, chacune particule est une minuscule épée. Rangiku a tendance à être fainéante : elle a horreur des formalités administratives, préférant passer son temps à boire. Rangiku on the Lookout.. 08/08/2007: 136: Civil War in Hueco Mondo! Elle note alors qu'elles devraient faire attention aux cendres, celles-ci coupant tous ce qu'elles touchent, mais les trois Arrancars lui disent de ne pas les sous-estimer et combinent leurs Cero qui éclatent la tornade, permettant de se libérer et surprenant Rangiku, qui tente de les attaquer de nouveau. Pendant leur conversation, Muramasa fait son apparition à travers un Garganta, et commence à se battre contre Ichigo, or Matsumoto et Hinamori remarquent que Muramasa a des difficultés à s'habituer à son "nouveau" corps. The Bleach story tells of how Ichigo Kurosaki becomes substitute Soul Reaper in Karakura Town in place of Rukia Kuchiki.He … En tant que lieutenant (vice-capitaine), elle le taquine sans cesse. Hitsugaya et Hyōrinmaru informent plus tard Matsumoto que des approvisionnements ont été volé de la Dixième Division. Lorsqu'Haineko dit qu'elle est "plutôt heureuse" qu'elle soit encore jeune, Rangiku lui demande pourquoi, Haineko répond qu'elle "a encore beaucoup de temps avant de devenir une vieille sorcière", Rangiku lui souriant chaleureusement en réponse. Elle déclara qu'elle ne savait pas et que, probablement, personne ne savait, étant donné qu'il n'en parlait jamais. Share Share Tweet Email. Rangiku Matsumoto Yasutora Sado vs. Sawatari is a battle that takes place during the Bount Invasion, consisting of Yasutora Sado, 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Ururu Tsumugiya, and Noba facing off against Sawatari and his Doll, Baura. … He then disappears and appears behind her and states that it is called Sonído as he launches an attack at her, but before he can land a hit she disappears and reappears behind him and states that around there they call it Shunpo. Eventually, she is able to trick the Reigai by covering a metal pole with her scarf so that the weight increase traps his weapon while Rangiku rushes towards her weapon and unleashes her Shikai in his direction, killing the Reigai. En dépit de son image nonchalante, elle peut être extrêmement sérieuse lorsque c'est nécessaire et se montre être une bonne combattante ainsi qu'une bonne stratège, comme on peut le voir quand elle utilise des taquineries habiles afin de manipuler les Fraccións de la troisième Espada pour qu'elles se chamaillent entre elles assez longtemps pour baisser leur garde et les attaquer. Elle descelle alors son Zanpakutō et tue l'Arrancar. Pendant que Izuru la guérit, Shūhei et Tetsuzaemon Iba sont battus, et Ayon avance vers eux. Gin Ichimaru (市丸 ギン, Ichimaru Gin) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Bleach created by Tite Kubo.He was the captain of the 3rd Division in the Gotei 13 until he betrays Soul Society, and after that becomes a commander in Sōsuke Aizen's arrancar army. 0. Rangiku is an attractive woman with long, wavy, strawberry-blonde hair (worn short in her youth), icy blue eyes, and a beauty spot to the right of her mouth. i have long wanted to do it that all watch and cry like the first time. Kon also becomes enamored with Rangiku's bosom and goes running towards her, but she knocks him away, prompting Ikkaku to ask Ichigo if the reaction is some kind of trend in his world, to which Ichigo states that it is just the way Kon is. Après que les piliers qui maintiennent le véritable Karakura Town dans la Soul Society sont correctement défendus et que quatre de la Fracción de Baraggan Luisenbarn sont tués, Rangiku fait face aux trois Fracción de Harribel par elle-même alors que son capitaine s'e prend à leur chef, Tia Harribel. Il lui demande où est Orihime et elle lui répond qu'elle prend soin de son Gigai, ainsi elle ne pourra être blessée lors du combat. [82], She later sets out with Momo in search for the Zanpakutō Spirits.