The crack may have indicated that the stay had stretched. Comments. [20] Following the collapse, many questions have been raised about the stays. The load of the bridge was 7,000 kg (15,000 lb) per tendon, while the tendons were originally capable of carrying 15,000 kg (33,000 lb)[citation needed]. The steel sheathing has been added 1993 and later. [95] Autostrade per l’Italia's chief executive, Giovanni Castellucci, said that the bridge would be rebuilt within eight months. [15] A single truck can weigh as much as 44,000 kg (97,000 lb). [39][40] The pre-stress in the Ponte Morandi was characterised as relatively small from the start. As part of the initial study and report, the Autostrade company measured that the bridge carried 25.5 million transits a year, with traffic having quadrupled in the previous 30 years and "destined to grow, even in the absence of intervention, by a further 30% in the next 30 years". View La tragedia del Ponte Morandi images from our The collapse of the Morandi Bridge photo gallery. [50] The latter were largely empty because the collapse occurred on the eve of the Italian public holiday, Ferragosto. A rail replacement bus service was established between the stations. The city council requested proposals for improvement of traffic flow through Genoa, with the Autostrade company in 2009 proposing the "Gronda di Ponente" project to improve flow, by moving traffic to a newly built Autostrada interchange system located to the north of the city. [30] Traditionally, bridges were designed only for a 50-year life span;[23] the bridge failed just under 51 years after its opening. Lo stato precedente della struttura dicono fosse pietoso. The bridge was designed by Riccardo Morandi. L'analisi ha il solo scopo di studiare gli sforzi e le deformazioni dell'intera opera. The funeral was attended by Italian politicians, such as President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, interior minister Matteo Salvini, transport minister Danilo Toninelli, and the secretary of the Democratic Party Maurizio Martina. [32][33] At no point was there a suggestion to reduce the load on the bridge. [68], At the time of the collapse, the bridge was managed by Atlantia S.p.A. (formerly Autostrade S.p.A.), a holding company operating toll motorways and airports, which is controlled by the Benetton family. The bridge is widely called "Ponte Morandi" after its structural designer, the noted engineer Riccardo Morandi.[2]. [17] The minutes of a February 2018 government meeting reported that resistance and reflectometry measurements had been performed indicating an "average" reduction of the cross section of 10 to 20% of the tendons. [41][43], By the mid-2000s, the A10 route through Genoa and over the bridge had become highly congested. Lei che è stato più volte ospite nelle reti nazio-nali, in cui è stato sempre richiamato il concetto di “errore di Morandi”, cosa ha pensato di questa eventualità? Autostrade ha minimizzato gravità della situazione, "Ponte Morandi, ecco perché è crollato: il nuovo video choc con l'ult...", "Ponte Morandi, la sorpresa dei magistrati per la relazione, prematura, della commissione Mit", "Ponte Morandi bridge collapses in Genoa during storm", "Morandi Bridge: anaylsis [sic] of the Ferrometal CCTV video clip in six enhanced sequences",, "Genoa Bridge Collapse Throws Harsh Light on Benettons' Highway Billions",, "Dieci i ponti crollati in 5 anni: in calo la manutenzione e gli investimenti", "Demolition of Genoa's Ponte Morandi is underway", "Morandi bridge towers demolished in Genoa", "Grief and anger at Italy bridge collapse", "Former Cagliari keeper survives 'apocalyse' Genoa bridge collapse", "Italy bridge rescuers search into the night", "Morandi Bridge collapse: how to travel through Genoa now", "Italy bridge: State of emergency follows Genoa disaster", "Genova, crolla ponte Morandi sulla A10: "Sono 23 le vittime accertate". The replacement bridge, the Viadotto Genova-San Giorgio ("Genoa-Saint George Viaduct") was inaugurated in August 2020.[4]. [12], The bridge had been subject to continual restoration work from the 1970s on due to an incorrect initial assessment of the effects of creep of the concrete. %PDF-1.7
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[14], In a 1979 report, Morandi himself recommended for authorities to "remove all traces of rust on the exposure of the reinforcements, fill the patches with epoxy resin, and cover everything up with elastomer of very high chemical resistance". [80], The Italian Football Federation announced that a minute of silence would be held for the victims of the collapse before all football events across the country during the weekend that followed the incident. [88], In mid-2020, control of the infrastructure company was given back to the government after legislations had reduced the penalty for changing the ownership structure. [100], The collapsed section of the Ponte Morandi, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, In the Venezuelan bridge the stays was not covered with prestressed concrete, "Expert reaction to Genoa motorway bridge collapse", "La storia del Ponte Morandi: un tempo avveniristico, ma non mancavano criticità", "Crollo Genova, trovato l'ultimo disperso sotto le macerie: è l'operaio Mirko. Il suo lavoro inoltre gli valse due lauree Honoris Causa: una presso l’Università di Monaco di Baviera e una presso l’Università degli Studi di Reg… "Delrio, la cupa confessione. From the movement of the top cross-beam, it appears the tension cables of the south-eastern stay gave way. 9 started dropping virtually simultaneously. Demolition began in February 2019[72] and was completed on 28 June 2019. [78], The day after the collapse, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte declared a state of emergency for the Liguria region, which would last for a year. [77], The railways connecting Genoa Sampierdarena (and Genoa Piazza Principe) with Genoa Borzoli and Genoa Rivarolo were closed immediately as a result of the bridge's collapse. I mages have emerged of the "crumbling" Ponte Morandi bridge in Genoa, a year before it collapsed killing 39 people. [23][24][25][26][27], The then-minister of infrastructures and transport Graziano Delrio, who was in charge until 1 June 2018, was informed several times during 2016 in the Italian parliament that the Morandi bridge needed maintenance.[28][29]. In Liguria da ore piove abbondantemente, la Protezione civile ha dichiarato l’allerta arancione e una parte del chilometro del ponte Morandi era sottoposto anche ad un intervento di sistemazione, a provarlo è una gru, dicono, presente da qualche giorno. As little as a 2% shift could represent severe damage. [16] As of the collapse of the bridge, only pillar 11 had been internally inspected in the 1990s, showing severed and oxidized strands. [99], The last two cable-stayed pillars (10 and 11) of the bridge were demolished using a tonne of explosives on 28 June 2019. [31][54][55][56][57][58] With only four stays, one of them giving way might have been enough for the structure to lose stability. Forbindelsen blev officielt åbnet den 4. september 1967, og broen blev navngivet efter designeren Riccardo Morandi. [69] The family waited two days to release a company public statement offering condolences to victims and their families.[70]. [73], Construction began on the replacement Genoa-Saint George Bridge, designed by the Italian Genoese born architect Renzo Piano, on 25 June 2019, and it was completed in the spring of 2020. The dead were 29 citizens of Italy, four from France, three from Chile, two from Albania and one each from Colombia, Jamaica, Moldova, Peru, and Romania. [65] There is speculation that lightning may have struck the stays, or a landslide could have destabilised the base. comment. Un rotolo di acciaio da 3,5 tonnellate potrebbe essere la principale ragione del crollo del Ponte Morandi di Genova. [79] According to deputy minister of infrastructure Edoardo Rixi, the entire bridge would be demolished. Camomilla: come e perché intervenimmo senza demolirlo sugli stralli della pila 11 del Ponte Morandi nel 1992", "Ponte Morandi, ispezioni su stralli erano fallite: Ministero ha approvato un progetto incompleto", "Ignored university reports about Morandi bridge: "Deformed pylons and oxidized cables, "Ponte Morandi a Genova, una tragedia annunciata? Il Politecnico aveva avvertito Autostrade a novembre", "Natural frequencies of prestressed concrete beams: theoretica prediction and numerical validation", 10.1002/(sici)1096-9845(199701)26:1<41::aid-eqe622>;2-u, "Genova, storia del ponte Morandi dalle polemiche al crollo", "La mancata manutenzione ha causato il crollo del ponte Morandi a Genova? [42] Other related methods were applied on the stays of Ponte Morandi in the 1990s, such as reflectometry, which was able to measure the tension but not strength of the tendons. [67] Immediately, the complete road on the pillar and soon after also the pillar itself fell. [30][31] A crack in the road had appeared at least 14 days before the collapse, near the south-eastern stay of the subsequently-collapsed pillar 9. The bridge was an engineering and architectural landmark since its construction. The complete bridge was planned to be removed, along with multiple houses in the surrounding area. His works are scattered around the world a bit. 1499 0 obj
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Other than pre-stress, changes in geometry, such as corrosion in the tendons could impact the resonant frequency. However, these two committee members were immediately criticised for being among the signatories of the February 2018 government report that failed to impose precautionary measures on the weakened bridge. The remains of the original bridge were demolished in August 2019. Ingegnere Riccardo Morandi, chi è: padre del ponte crollato ieri a Genova. It connected Genoa's Sampierdarena and Cornigliano districts across the Polcevera valley. Ponte morandi 25 12 2014 3,072 × 2,304; 2.18 mb ponte morandi 2,526 × 559; 101 kb saragat all'inaugurazione del viadotto polcevera 1967 545 × 415; 290 kb. Sul crollo del ponte Morandi parla l'ingegnere incaricato di alcuni lavori di rinforzo al viadotto: "Crollato per una cannonata da 3,5 tonnellate". Ingegneria. Analisi esplorativa del Ponte Morandi Modellazione strutturale Genoa / Italy / 2017. love loved unlove 0. The Ponte Morandi was a cable-stayed bridge characterised by a prestressed concrete structure for the piers, pylons and deck, very few stays, as few as two per span, and a hybrid system for the stays constructed from steel cables with prestressed concrete shells poured on. Images; Info; Comments; Analisi esplorativa del modello strutturale del Ponte del Polcevera di Genova. Il crollo del Ponte di Genova, avvenuto il 14 agosto del 2018, ha suscitato grande interesse nei riguardi delle opere firmate dal suo storico progettista: l’Ingegnere Riccardo Morandi. The 37-year-old driver at the time of the accident recounted to the media how he looked in shock as the bridge busy with dense traffic collapsed in front of him, as he brought his vehicle to a stop and ran back until he reached firm ground. Poche ore dopo il crollo, nell’opinione pubblica e tra i media, impazzava il con-cetto di opera sbagliata. It originated from the nearby Ferrometal company cameras, showing that both southern stays and locally attached road sections at pillar no. Other parts landed on the tracks of the Turin–Genoa and Milan–Genoa railways, and on warehouses belonging to Ansaldo Energia, an Italian power engineering company. "[87], The ruling coalition put pressure on the managers of the road, Autostrade per l'Italia (which is part of the Atlantia group). [37] Modal frequencies were more than 10% different, specifically on the southern stays. ", "In Italy Bridge Collapse, Both Design and Upkeep Are Under Suspicion", "Ponte Morandi: online la relazione della Commissione Ispettiva Mit | mit", "Ponte Morandi, la Commissione: "Crollo dovuto a struttura, non a stralli.