Romeing is a magazine for tourists and expats visiting or living in Rome, including classifieds, an event calendar and feature articles written by locals with secret insight for your vacation or for those considering moving to live in Italy. (Dumb bunny, me.) Good luck! I wish to apply for carta di sagorno , i have sussodaria sagorno i much fee shall i pay for carta di sagorno. Maybe I didn’t find the right one. I had to go to 3 different post offices but eventually someone was able to help me. A free, pocket-sized guide to the best locations, with a daily listing of the latest and most diverse cultural and lifestyle events in and around Rome. Treefolk’s Public House: Whisky, Cask Bar & gourmet restaurant, Tiziano Terrace Cocktail Bar at Monti Palace Hotel, Mirabelle: a gourmet terrace suspended over the Eternal City, Wine Tasting with 6 Italian fine wines, cured meats & cheeses, Bike Tour of Ancient Appian Way, Catacombs & Aqueducts Park, Pasta-Making Class footsteps from Trevi Fountain, Learn To Make Gelato in an Authentic Roman Gelateria, Vespa Tour of Rome: Enjoy the Eternal City on a Vintage Vespa, Colosseum Walking Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Skip the Line, Exclusive Early Entrance to Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museums with Audio Guide, Rome in One Day: Vatican & Colosseum with Real Skip the Line, 100 Presepi at the Vatican: Rome’s holiday season must-see, Sultan bin Fahad’s “Frequency” exhibition at Rhinoceros Gallery, Rome’s 2020 Art Quadriennale at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, ‘Manolo Valdés. Thank you so much for doing this, you are a saint. You’re very welcome! It’s free too! Nd which one am I getting as a reunificación gmfamiliar? i’ve used your instructions twice. OK, by now you’ve obtained your application kit (Permesso di Soggiorno – Part 1) and filled it out properly in black ink (Permesso di Soggiorno – Part 2) and have the Marca da Bollo for €14,62 affixed to the top of the application. The name of a place where you can be found if you are not at the address listed above, For example, if you are taking language course or studying at the university, list the name of your school, 78. If you haven’t gotten your permesso di soggiorno kit yet, make sure you read my article on How to Get Your Permesso Di Soggiorno. Dopo avere ritirato il kit, il cittadino straniero deve compilare, con l’aiuto delle istruzioni,i fogli che accompagnano i due moduli che troviamo nello stesso kit. The larger ones tend to have more reviews on google (and they tend to be lower hahaha). 20/01/2011 (modificato il 13/08/2020) Parole chiave: Stranieri. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure what the proper protocol is in this situation. Hi Alexa! Se il rinnovo riguarda i minori di 14 anni, all’interno del kit deve essere inserito un ulteriore bollettino di 30,46 € per la stampa del tesserino elettronico al minore. Thus the post office is always a busy, busy, BUSY place. Hi Ginger! Appreciate your help . This asks if you are a refugee, check “sì” or “no”, Usually, you should put the exact information on these documents that is listed in your passport. Will I be given that same day the permiso o carta de di soggiorno? I searched to find it and it seems like it’s a Christian Workers page. kit postale – Per poter richiedere il rilascio oppure il rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno, a partire dall’11 dicembre 2006, in Italia viene usato un nuovo metodo.Le domande devono essere presentate agli Uffici delle Poste Italiane che si occupano del servizio di Sportello Amico.. I definitely know how you feel! Kit Ambiental Contenedor 60 Lts. Have no fear, my permesso di soggiorno guide is here! 9 del TUI “Testo Unico Immigrazione”). Disclaimer: This post does not constitute legal advice. The date when your visa ends (again, write the day first and then the month), 66. Il tutto deve essere consegnato allo “Sportello Amico” degli uffici postali per la spedizione alla Questuracompetente, che rilascerà una ricevuta di avvenut… I have birth certificate of Famiglia, estrato per rías su to del registro degli art di matrimonio, my daughters passport, copy of her permiso de soggier o, cRta de identidad, her husband who is italian Carta de identidad, approval from comune Calenzano cerificato de alógico per riconfigiumento familiare, responsable dell área edilicia, and comunicaciones di cessione di fabrica to which I’m including. The Questura said that during this time I can’t leave Italy, or I can leave but may not be allowed back in. Any ideas on this? I spent so many hours, well…days… trying to find this information and I hadn’t really come across anything super comprehensive so I decided to make my own! Thank you Alexa, the article is very helpful. In addition to the forms you have to fill-out and the copy of all your documents, you need to get a MARCA DA BOLLO from a Tabaccheria. Select “rilascio” if this is your first, These numbers are listed on a document included in your, You can skip numbers 17-20 since this is your first, 22. Hi. The only thing is what documents should I include with the kit as a first timer besides passport and visa page? oppure permesso di soggiorno CE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo, è un documento che ti permette di vivere in Italia senza alcun problema e soprattutto non ha scadenza, come dice il nome stesso è illimitato, non ha una scadenzae non va rinnovato (art. The appointment is … how to fill kit - Permesso di soggiorno I’ve renewed my permesso three times and it was the same process every time. 1.) The first to 4 months from start to finish, the second took 7 months. Dopo la raccolta di tutta la documentazione, bisogna compilare il kit postale contenente il modulo 1 e 2, con penna nera ed a stampatello, seguendo la nuova procedura del They should know the amount and provide it to you when you turn in the packet. This can be left blank unless the building has another number/letter associated with its address. If it’s for work, you should bring your work contract and other related documents. Thank you! Below, I have included a step-by-step guide on how to fill out your permesso di soggiorno kit. First I will give directions on how to fill out the main packet. If you are filling this kit out for yourself and this is your first permesso di soggiorno then you only need to fill out Module 1. From any Poste Italiane office: ask for a “Kit per il Permesso di Soggiorno”. €16 for the Marca da Bollo sticker (which you buy at a Tabbacheria and then the postal worker puts on the front of your permesso packet), 3.) Per tutte le tipologie di aggiornamento, è necessario ritirare presso gli uffici postali un apposito Kit, del quale compilare solo il “modulo 1”, ed aggiungere ad esso la documentazione ulteriore, che varia in base alla ragione per la quale si procede all’aggiornamento. The Permesso di Soggiorno application form is called “Kit per la richiesta di Permesso di Soggiorno”. Is it the same kit? Now it’s time to do battle. Once these forms have been filled-out, the visa holder takes the kit, along with copies of all their documents (all the documents you had to submit to the consulate to obtain your visa) and goes to the post office to pay the required fees. As each region has its own interpretation of the law and rules, is what you’ve written correct? I ask because there is an association called ACLI that helps foreigners with Italian bureaucracy. Did I do wrong? Can it be rescheduled? Grazie Alexa €30.46 for printing the electronic permesso di soggiorno. Quick question: Do I have to fill out anything after Item 75? The kit is actually a packet with two forms inside (each are 5-10 page packet forms) that require the visa holder to indicate all their personal information and reasons for staying in Italy. I have no words to thank you enough for publishing this. €40 for residence permits for more than 3 months, up to one year; €50 for residence permits of more than one year, up to two years; €100 for long-term EU residence permits and for those reserved for specialized workers and executives. This asks for the total number of pieces paper you are including in your, This includes all of the documents you are including in the envelope when you turn it in (photocopies of your passport, health insurance documents, language school document, etc.) Ti sarà comunicata la data in cui dovrai recarti in questura per l’appuntamento ed istruire la pratica consegnando gli originali. What is required and could you apply for renewal 5 months prior to current Permesso expiring? Required fields are marked *. This payment is made on a long rectangular piece of paper, called a bolletino. Are you located in Bologna by chance? So by now I’m sure you have realized the permesso di soggiorno kit is written in Italian. Il Governo Monti ha però stabilito delle modifiche relative a tale legge. 27 comma 1 lettera a, 27 quinquies comma 1 lettera a e b e 27 sexies comma 2 del D.Lvo 25/07/1998 n. 286e … Thank you. Your birthdate (notice they ask for the day first followed by the month, which is the opposite as in America), These codes are listed on a page included in your, 37. Required fields are marked *. Alyce. WOW! Come compilare il kit permesso di soggiorno? soggiorno di kit kis tra bharni a ? a) Using black ink, fill up the module with 8 pp. When I first arrived, I had no facility for photocopying so have no copy of my original application. 1. Therefore go early, be prepared to wait, and bring cash or a debit car to pay as the Poste Italiane does not accept foreign checks or credit cards. We are currently living in Lucca and had a question regarding the renewal process for the Permesso? €40-€100 for the permesso kit processing (this fee goes to the Italian State), 2.) I have a contract for a nice apartment in he center and will lose a bunch of money if the visa is not issued so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Many thanks, Hello, please contact us via email thanks, Your email address will not be published. Espero les sea de utilidad este manual de cómo cargar el kit para el permesso di soggiorno en espera de la ciudadanía y todo lo aquí detallado. I’m not sure how much the fee is, but the post office should be able to tell you. Write “F” for female and “M” for male, 34. I am American but have been living in Germany and Austria the last 20 years. But back to the permesso. Nuovi importi del permesso di soggiorno. Thanksi!!!!! If it’s valid for a year, the recommended renewal time is 60 days before. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I’m so glad I could help you! You can call them or send them an email. Your email address will not be published. Percy. Almost all post office branches have Kits. Se infatti lo stesso è per un periodo di al massimo un anno, si paga ottanta euro. If you have a work visa then you’ll probably need to fill it out, but if not then only Module 1 should apply to you. Your email address will not be published. Upon verifying all documents in your completed Kit, the post office will give you a piece of paper with the date and time of your appointment at the Questura (Police Headquarters), where you will receive your official Permesso di Soggiorno card. This was the most helpful guide I have found since arriving in Italy so thank you! Write “A” if you are single and “B” if you are married, 33. The Permesso di Soggiorno is your foreigner registration card and literally translates to “Permit to Stay”. The address of this place (the street name only), 81. The building number and letter (if applicable), 82. You can also contact the local ACLI in your city and they can answer more specific questions for you if they come up. Pueden compartir este artículo en sus redes sociales, vía mail o whatsapp con todos aquellos que lo necesiten y pueda ayudarlos. The Shapes of Time’ Exhibition, OLTRE TUTTO: Rome’s New Year’s Eve 2021 streaming event, Christmas at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. Per informazioni sul permesso di soggiorno: There are many of them located around Italy and I would definitely recommend going there. Bring that to the post office. Most people don’t have to fill out Module 2. Step 4: Italian Study Visa Paperwork Guide, Traveling With a Permesso di Soggiorno Receipt, Popping the Personal Bubble: Cultural Differences in Personal Space, How to Pack For a Year-Long Trip to Italy, How to Get a Codice Fiscale and Why You Might Need One,, At the top where it says “Al Signor Questore di” write the name of your city, Where it says “(Sigle Provincia)” write the two letters that represent your province, In your kit there is a list of the abbreviations, 4. Dove posso trovare il kit del permesso di soggiorno? Alexa, this page is a blessing to me. Kits are available for free. can we ask if we can go to Questurra and pass our documents? The requirements are onerous but I think that I fulfill them and will be coming here to live in September of this year. Please assure in your pay that the fee is paid in the postale. PROBLEMI CON IL “KIT” PER IL PERMESSO DI SOGGIORNO? He also told me to go through the process again after 12 months for renewal.