The discovery of a small bovid species, Namibiomeryx senuti nov. gen., nov. aff. In addition, lithostratigraphic and sedimentolo... Two species of small-medium size felids, Felis aff. Until now, this genus was only known from the Upper Miocene of Iraq, where it ocurs at Injana in the Gebel Hamrin (I.... Remains of large Mammals have been recovered in the lower Miocene of the Cetina de Aragon, Valquemado and Loranca localities in the E part of the Spanish Tajo Basin. nicole soria Emergency Medicine Resident Cincinnati, OH. Four carnivoran sp... Resumen: Se han encontrado 19 especies de carnívoros en los sedimentos del Mioceno final y Plioceno inicial de las laderas de las colinas Tugen (Formaciones Lukeino y Magabet), Distrito de Baringo, Kenia. Sedimentation in this zone of the Tajo Basin corresponds to endorheic deposits fed by alluvial fans from the Sistema Central which, after transition facies, flow into the centre of the basin. Se sitúan en el Villafranquiense inferior y medio respectivamente, en base a la presencia de Hipparion rocinantis y el tipo de Cervidae (Cervus cf. mammal faunas from the Madrid basin (Spain), Tragulidae from Arrisdrift, basal Middle Miocene, Southern Namibia, Creodonta and Carnivora from Arrisdrift, early Middle Miocene of Southern Namibia, New data regarding Orangemeryx hendeyi Morales et al., 2000, from the type locality, Arrisdrift, Namibia. Scopri come digitalizzare le strategie di employer branding e recruiting della tua azienda grazia a tutored. La actividad se retoma en 16 partidos entre el martes y el jueves de esta semana. Min. Nicky Walker is on Facebook. It is very close to the lesser panda, Ailurus fulgens. It is here classified as Namace... New data on the mammal fossil record from the Madrid basin are presented. The mustelid, stenoplesictid and felids belong to new genera and one of the amphicyonids is a new species, while the other forms are similar to species already... One isolated lower tooth (M2) collected in the Middle Miocene of Madrid (Spain) is determined as a new taxon: Magerictis imperialensis nov. gen. nov. sp. 0.5 Ma until the end of the last glaciation (Gué rin, 1980;Cerdeñ o, 1990;Fortelius et al., 1993; ... A great number of specimens from Langebaanweg are labeled "Felidae indet" in the collection of the SAM, Cape Town. Nel mio caso, l’esperienza in PwC è stata fondamentale per il mio ingresso nel mondo del lavoro: ritengo che i ritmi intensi e gli elevati standard di qualità richiesti per un lavoro di precisione come quello dell’auditor mettano il neo-assunto nella condizione di potersi adattare a contesti sempre diversi e di acquisire nuove skills con ritmi sorprendenti. Historical determinants of mammal diversity in Africa : Evolution of mammalian body mass distribution in Africa and South America during Neogene and Quaternary times. No parece existir una diferencia cualitativa entre la fauna del Nivel... RESUMEN: Hasta el presente trabajo, de las faunas fósiles del Mioceno del área de Madrid, solo se conocían los macromamíferos. Later. La muestra contiene tres especies de félidos, tres vivérridos, tres herpéstidos, tres hiénidos, un cánido, un úrsido y cuatro mustélidos. Primera cita para Europa Occidental, Los carnívoros del sitio de ocupación achelense de Áridos-1, Nuevos datos sobre los carnvoros del área de Teruel, A new genus and species of the Cricetidae (mammalia Rodentia) from the Pliocene of South Western Europe, Hallazgo de un Ursido en el yacimiento de Layna (Soria), Hallazgo de Hyaena donnezani Viret en La Calera II (Aldehuela, provincia de Teruel), The “Sima del Elefante” cave site at Atapuerca (Spain), A new suoid with tubulidentate, hypselorhizic cheek teeth from the early Miocene of Córcoles, Spain, First continuous pre-Jaramillo to Jaramillo terrestrial vertebrate succession from Europe, Stephanorhinus hemitoechus (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the Late Pleistocene of Valle Radice (Sora, Central Italy) and re-evaluation of the morphometric variability of the species in Europe, Late Miocene Carnivora from Chad: Herpestidae, Viverridae and small-sized Felidae, Paleobiogeographic implications of additional Felidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) specimens from the Siwaliks, The apex of amphicyonid hypercarnivory: solving the riddle of Agnotherium antiquum Kaup, 1833 (Mammalia, Carnivora), EL REAL CANAL DEL MANZANARES. nicole soria. Nicole has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Eight species of creodonts and carnivores have previously been reported from the Early Miocene deposits at Napak, Uganda. Tutored è il punto di incontro tra studenti, giovani laureati e aziende. Per il mio percorso di studi triennale ho scelto Economia e Gestione Aziendale: durante questa prima parte della mia formazione ho potuto scoprire una grande passione per il bilancio, così, per la specialistica, ho cercato un percorso ricco di esami quantitativi che potesse darmi anche l'opportunità di frequentare corsi impartiti interamente in lingua inglese, ossia Markets and strategies. Nicole Soria Sales and Marketing Controller Professional presso Continental Milano, Lombardia, Italia Oltre 500 collegamenti Nicole, Accounting Specialist in Continental Pubblicato 17 ore fa Nel corso della sua carriera accademica, Nicole ha avuto l'opportunità di vivere e studiare tra Milano, Valencia e Los Angeles: esperienze che l'hanno formata e spinta a puntare sempre più in alto. 2001; Memoir of the Geological Survey of Namibia (5), Comptes Rendus de l Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science (4). and Castillomys rivas. The Quaternary karstic site of Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia, Spain) has provided a wide faunal list with 53 species including gastropods, myriapods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Accounting Specialist presso Continental Milán. L'esperienza di Erasmus in Spagna durata oltre un anno, presso la Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Martir, mi ha dato l'opportunità di approfondire una metodologia e un approccio allo studio tutto nuovo, basato sul lavoro in team. Many of the long bone diaphyses, especially of the front limbs, possess abnormally thickened multilayered ''pachyostotic'' bone deposits, all adult individuals being affected (MNI = 24). cusanus y Cervus cf. View the profiles of professionals named "Nicole Soria" on LinkedIn. Ho inviato la mia candidatura attraverso il sito di Continental rispondendo a una posizione aperta e ho intrapreso il percorso di selezione prendendo parte a colloqui individuali: un primo step con l’HR Professional e l’Administration Manager, durante il quale è stata testata anche la mia conoscenza della lingua inglese, ed un secondo ed ultimo step con il CFO e l’HR Director. sábado 6 junio, 2020 La denuncia que inició el viernes 5 de junio la interventora de la Agencia Federal de Inteligencia, Cristina Caamaño, se ampliará con la presentación de los papales encontrados en una de las cajas fuertes de las oficinas de la agencia.Se trata de material encontrado sobre 403 periodistas, 28 académicos, 58 empresarios, dirigentes y personalidades de la sociedad civil. donde predomina el Anancus arvernensls, de Valverde de Calatrava II, en el Campo de Calatrava. n. 0000093 del 01-08-2018. The poorly known genera Kelba, Kenyalutra and Ndamathaia from Early Miocene deposits of East Africa are here considered to represent a single genus, Kelba, represented by an unique species Kelba quadeemae Savage, 1965. Trabajó como periodista en los diarios Tiempo Argentino y Página/12, en Argentina Televisora Color (ATC), en Radio Continental, El Periodista, el portal La Política Online, entre otros. analyses. Biostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of continental Neogene in the Madrid Area. Las diferentes unidades expresadas en la cartografía se describen en función de las pautas mayores observables en los materiales que forman cada una de ellas. The paleontological sites of Toril 3A and B (Upper Aragonian, Biozone G3, MN 7/8) posses an exceptional and abundant fauna of vertebrates. Many of the species have already been described, but new material has been excavated which throws more light on the fauna as a whole, as well as on the status of certain species that were previously poorly re... Orangemeryx hendeyi is the most common large mammal at the basal Middle Miocene site of Arrisdrift, Namibia. Material from Songhor, Kenya, previously identified as Afrosmilus turkanae by Schmidt-Kittler (1987) is assigned to this species. Nicole A Veilleux est sur Facebook. (Hyaenodontidae, Mammalia) from the Early Miocene of Langental (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), New carnivores from the basal Middle Miocene of Arrisdrift, Namibia, Découverte d'une forme ancestrale du Petit Panda dans le Miocène moyen de Madrid (Espagne), Discovery of an ancestor of the lesser panda in the Middle Miocene of Madrid (Spain), The discovery of lower and middle Miocene vertebrates at Auchas, Southern Namibia, Fossil camels from the Upper Miocene of Europe: implications for biogeography and faunal change, On the origins of the family Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) (French with abridged English, The ruminants (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Lower Miocene of Cetina de Aragón (Province of Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain), Pachyostosis in a Lower MioceneGiraffoid from Spain, Lorancameryx pachyostoticus nov. gen. nov. sp. Among others, the so-called steppe-rhino, Stephanorhinus hemitoechus, was one of the most widespread rhinoceros in Europe. Ver a otras personas con el nombre de Nicole Soria Añade nuevas aptitudes con estos cursos. Continental, +3 more University of California, Los Angeles, +2 more Nicole Tuttle San Francisco Bay Area. Per questo motivo mi sento di consigliare una qualsiasi esperienza all'estero ai giovani, sia essa di studio o di lavoro: oltre a permettere l'apprendimento di una nuova lingua con un'estrema naturalezza, vivere in culture differenti apre la mente e la rende pronta ad affrontare un mondo lavorativo dove la flessibilità è alla base di ogni percorso professionale (e personale). Hay 40.200+ profesionales con el nombre de «Soria» que usan LinkedIn para intercambiar información, ideas y oportunidades. All’interno della nostra piattaforma, gli utenti possono scoprire gli sbocchi lavorativi in base al loro percorso di studio, esplorare le aziende e candidarsi alle numerose opportunità di stage, lavoro e graduate program. Sei un recruiter? All rights reserved. Ve el perfil de Nicole Soria en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. The Quaternary karstic site of Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, province of Murcia, Spain) has provided a wide faunal list with more than 60 species. Nicole se mete en el bolsillo a Los Tigres 9 de septiembre de 2007 00:00h CEST Nicole Neumann no sólo tiene una mirada salvaje y felina sino que también adora los animales. Mapeo de patrones espaciales de áreas quemadas usando imágenes Landsat en biomas peruanos / Nicole Mitidieri Rivera, MINAM. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Nicole A Veilleux et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. There are two forms in this Middle Miocene paleontological site of the Ebro Basin according to the metric and morphological characteristics of the dentition and horn cores. The origin of ailurids, as well as the simocyonid... During diamond mining operations at Auchas Mine, 50 km upstream from Oranjemund in the Orange River Valley, fossil tree trunks, and vertebrate bones and teeth have been unearthed. Hay 42 personas más con el nombre de Nicole Soria en LinkedIn. Durante los últimos años, nuevos muestreos paleontológicos se han llevado a cabo en el área de Daroca (Zaragoza, España) para completar la información sobre este intérvalo. Ho studiato all'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Nuevo yacimiento de moluscos y vertebrados del Villafranquiense de la Cuenca del Júcar (Albacete, España), Torrijos: nueva fauna con Hispanotherium de la cuenca media del Tajo, Paleoecología del yacimiento del Neógeno continental de Los Valles de Fuentidueña (Segovia), Los artiodáctilos de Los Valles de Fuentidueña (Segovia), Moratines: Primeros Micromamíferos en el Mioceno medio del área de Madrid, Nuevos datos sobre los carnivoros de Los Valles de Fuentidueña (Segovia), Presencia de la familia Moschidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) en el Vallesiense de España: Hispanomeryx duriensis novo gen. nova sp, Camélido finimioceno en Venta del Moro. Continental, et 3 de plus University of California, Los Angeles, et 2 de plus Vous ne trouvez pas la personne que vous recherchez ? Caracal depereti nov. sp. Nicole Soria Accounting Specialist presso Continental Milan. Charlie Kohler, antiguamente un gran concertista de piano, trabaja ahora como pianista en un popular cabaret de una ciudad. Six vertebrate localities containing a large variety of mammals together with amphibians, fishes and plant remains of Upper Vallesian Age (Late Miocene) have been found associated with the sediments forming the butte. The species was recorded at several fossiliferous locations from ca. Especially interesting among the gastropods is Palaeoglandina that became extinct in Europe during the Pliocene. Areas where Celtic languages are widely spoken in the 21st century Sono fortemente convinta che alcuni tra i più preziosi insegnamenti ricevuti durante la mia formazione universitaria derivino dalle esperienze all'estero. Todas las noticias sobre Nicole Kidman en Cadena SER: actualidad, última hora, vídeos, fotos y audios. The latter species was later erected as a separate genus Namafelis. Inoltre, tra il primo e il secondo step di selezione ho svolto un test specifico sulle competenze contabili. En el conjunto de los gasterópodos destaca Palaeoglandina, un género que se extingue en el resto de Europa durante el P... New bio- and magnetostratigraphic data from the Miocene continental sediments of Central Spain are used to update the existing stratigraphical framework. Preliminary investigations indicate that there are two distinct faunas at Auchas, a lower Miocene one at Pit AM 02 and a slightly younger one at Pit AMSE. C. alba and cf. CiteScore: 6.2 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 6.2 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. The phylogeny of these ruminants is currently unresolved; Prolibytherium has been placed in Sivatheriidae (Hamilton 1973), Palaeomerycidae (Janis and Scott 1987;Prothero and Liter 2007;Solounias 2007), and Climacoceratidae (Pickford et al. In the new collections from the locality there are several specimens, including frontals with appendages and the brain case, which were not well represented in the previously described samples. It remains as a relict genus in the Pleis... El yacimiento kárstico cuaternario de la Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia) ha proporcionado una amplia lista faunística constituida por 53 especies repartidas entre gasterópodos, miriápodos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. 1 Logos 2 Opening 3 Closing 3.1 Character Look 4 Crawl Art 4.1 CAST 4.1.1 Ahtohallan Voices 4.1.2 Additional Voices 4.2 STORY 4.3 EDITORIAL 4.4 VISUAL DEVELOPMENT 4.5 ASSET PRODUCTION 4.6 MODELING 4.7 CHARACTER RIGGING 4.8 CHARACTER SIMULATION 4.9 LOOK DEVELOPMENT 4.10 TECHNICAL DIRECTORS 4.11 … Carnivores from the Late Miocene and Basal Pliocene of the Tugen Hills, Kenya, Primeros datos faunísticos del Neolítico madrileño: la cueva de La Ventana (Torrelaguna, Madrid), Paleontología del sistema de yacimientos de mamíferos miocenos del Cerro de los Batallones, Cuenca de Madrid, Mamíferos del Mioceno inferior de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Cuenca del Ebro, Península Ibérica), Origin of Ruminant Cranial Appendages: Biochronological and Biogeographical aspects, Los yacimientos de vertebrados continentales del Aragoniense superior (Mioceno medio) de Toril, Cuenca de Calatayud-Daroca, El tránsito Aragoniense-Vallesiense en el área de Daroca-Nombrevilla (Zaragoza, España), The Aragonian-Vallesian transit on the Daroca-Nombrevilla area (Zaragoza, Spain), Caracal depereti nov. sp. Los huesos se acumulaban durante la estación seca en los bordes del lago y posteriormente eran transporta... Resumen: Se exponen de forma abreviada los rasgos en cuanto a metodología y conclusiones del Estudio geológico a escala 1/25000 realizado en el Municipio de Madrid en los años 1982/83. 11:15 a 11:30 Impactos de actividades antropogénicas en bosques ribereños de la laguna Cashibococha, Distrito de Yarinacocha, Departamento Ucayali-Perú / Felix Rengifo Shuña - Amaforest Biodiversity S.A.C. analiz... en The recovery of a new species of small creodont from the Early Miocene of coastal Namibia including associated upper and lower dental elements reveals that the group is in need of revision. COMUNICADO Continental, +3 altri University of California, Los Angeles, +2 altri Nicole Briata Global Marketing and Communication Director Milan. Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Manfred Heuberger direkt bei XING. (1998) based on specimens from the early Middle Miocene site at Arrisdrift, Namibia. Molte delle abilità acquisite in quel contesto rappresentano, tutt’ora, le costanti di ogni mio approccio ad una nuova mansione e, unite alla mia personale curiosità e voglia di imparare, costituiscono l’essenza di ciò che è Nicole oggi nel mondo del lavoro. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los contactos y empleos de Katterin Dawn en empresas similares. Nicole Soria Accounting Specialist presso Continental Milan. Originally correlated by the authors to the upper part of MN 4 (Orleanian, MN 4b) it is generally considered to be slightly older, MN 4a, aged about 17 Ma (De Bruijn et al., 1992; ... European findings of U. minimus in the Early Ruscinian (MN14) are known from Alcoy in Spain, Montpellier in France (MN14a), Kuchurganian beds (Trudomirovka) in Ukraine, Baraolt-Cãpeni in Romania (=Barót-Köpecz in Hungary), and Dorkovo in Bulgaria (Schlosser, 1899;Maier von Mayerfels, 1929;Korotkevich, 1967;Dubrovo & Kapelist, 1979;Spassov, 2003;Montoya et al., 2006;Wagner, 2006 (Roshchin, 1956;Berzi, 1966;Ryziewicz, 1969; ... According to the micromammal content, the reversed Quibas-Cueva section can be correlated with the reversed base of Quibas-Sima, both of which share the presence of Neomys sp. There are 30+ professionals named "Nicole Soria", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. sp., have been identified from the Pliocene karstic locality of Layna (Soria, Spain). IV - Aut. Entre ellos, Nacional y Peñarol jugarán sus respectivos partidos por la tercera fecha de la fase de grupos el martes y el jueves. The assemblage of the taxa Arvicola deucalion, Castillomys rivas rivas, Eliomys intermedius, Equus altidens, Capra sp. Join Facebook to connect with Nicky Walker and others you may know. sp., in the lower Miocene of Elisabethfeld, Namibia, represents the earliest known record of this family. Argentina. Mamíferos del Mioceno medio de Tarazona de Aragón (Zaragoza). ... A este conjunto pertenecerían las faunas de yacimientos como La Hidroeléctrica, Moratines, San Isidro, Paseo de las Acacias, Arroyo del Olivar, Puente de Vallecas O'Donnell, Ciudad Pegaso y Cantera del Trapero. In this study, tufa deposits in the Añamaza, Mesa, Piedra and Ebrón river valleys were mapped, stratigraphically described and chronologically referenced from U/Th disequilibrium series, amino acid racemization and radiocarbon methods. In Cetina and Valqu... Resumen: Se describen los distintos Vertebrados del yacimiento de «Las Higueruelas». This paper takes into account unpublished material from old collections made by W.W. Bishop during the 1950s and 1960s, as well as new samples made by the Uganda Palaeontology Expedition between 1985 and 2005. p... ABSTRACT: This is a study of the Lower and Middle Miocene in the area of Madrid. Katterin Dawn tiene 1 empleo en su perfil. Prot. in the Oriental biogeographic region. Nicole Soria Accounting Specialist presso Continental Milan. Cincinnati, OH. From... Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra se encuentran en el borde NW de la cuenca terciaria del Ebro. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Nicole Quintero y otras personas que tal vez conozcas. Facebook donne … The bovid from Arrisdrift is one of the oldest known species with horn cores. Inscrivez-vous pour voir les 579 000+ résultats. The early Middle Miocene locality at Arrisdrift, Namibia, has yielded seven species of carnivores, comprising a giant creodont, two amphicyonids, a mustelid, a stenoplesictid and two felids. It is the earliest known representative of the subfamily Viverrinae from Africa. Ho avuto fin da subito la percezione che in Continental le persone avessero un valore, essendo ascoltate e costantemente spronate in maniera costruttiva: a distanza di quasi due anni posso dire di aver trovato pienamente riscontro di quanto percepito inizialmente. Ve el perfil de Katterin Dawn Soria en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Previously, East African samples assigned to Metapterodon consisted only of maxillae while Isohyaenodon was only represented by lower jaws. silvestris (Felidae, Mammalia) del Plioceno inferior de Layna (Soria, España), Updated biochronology of the Miocene mammal faunas from the Madrid basin (Spain), A new genus and species of Bovidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the early Middle Miocene of Arrisdrift, Namibia, and the origins of the family Bovidae, Tetrápodos del Mioceno inferior de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Cuenca del Ebro, Península Ibérica), Updated biochronology of the Miocene Accounting Specialist presso Continental. and its bearing on the evolution of bony appendages in artiodactyls, El yacimiento del Aragoniense medio de La Retama (Depresión Intermedia, Provincia de Cuenca, España) : significado de las faunas con Hispanotherium = The middle Miocene locality of La Retama (Cuenca Province, Spain) : significance of the Hisp, Composición taxonómica y anatómica de los restos de macrovertebrados del Mioceno inferior continental de Loranca del Campo (Cuenca), Análisis de las comunidades de mamíferos del Plioceno de Layna (Soria) y La Calera (Teruel), Resultados del estudio geológico a escala 1/25000 del término municipal de Madrid, Les Giraffidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) d'Al Jadidah du Miocène moyen de la Formation Hofuf (province du hasa, arabie saoudite), Approach to the Spanish continental Neogene synthesis and paleoclimatic interpretation. Los Bovoidea (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) del Mioceno inferior de España: Filogenia y Biogeografía, Biostratigrafía, paleoecología y biogeografía del Terciario de la provincia de Madrid. From 1997 until 2001 these two localities have been object of systematic paleontological excavations. The Torrijos fossiliferous beds are attributed t... Conclusiones: Los datos geológicos nos indican que las capas excavadas no son homogéneas en cuanto a su deposición, un decrecimiento de la energía del medio se observa de muro a techo, esto se refleja claramente en la tafocenosis cuyo grado de aloctonía disminuye de muro a techo. ... Stehlin and Helbing (1925) discussed Agnotherium in their description of Thaumastocyon and its species T. bourgeoisi, a taxon based on a mandible (lost or destroyed during World War II) with a canine, m1, and m2 from MN 5 of Pont Levoy, France. The Cerro de 10s Batallones (Los Batallones Butte) is located in the central-northern area of the Madrid Basin, central Spain. A new species of Afrosmilus, A. hispanicus, is described from Artesilla, Spain. Estos son todos los duelos de la vuelta de la Libertadores: Full credits for Frozen II (2019). Five species of pecorans and three of tragulids are now recorded from the various sites. Ho imparato a mettermi in gioco, non solo dal punto di vista universitario, ma anche dal punto di vista delle relazioni sociali e dell'adattamento a un ambiente del tutto nuovo e lontano dalla mia comfort zone. Caracal depereti nov. sp. Among the pecorans there are two primitive climacoceratids which lack cranial appendages, and there are three species of hornless bov... Local mammalian communities in Africa present the highest species richness in the world, only paralleled by some communities Oggi, nello specifico, mi occupo mensilmente del bilancio IFRS, oltre che della redazione del bilancio civilistico con i suoi allegati (nota integrativa e relazione sulla gestione). nicole soria. Paleontología y biostratigrafía de los yacimientos Villafranquienses de Las Higueruelas y Valverde de Calatrava II (Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real). Per la prima volta una donna sarà direttore sportivo di un team maschile di ciclismo nella massima categoria, il World Tour. The discovery of fossil camels at two localities of upper Miocene age in Spain (Zone MN 13, c.7.5-6.5 Ma) providesimportant constraints on phylogenetic and palaeobiogeographic interpretations of Old World camels. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Hendey [26] assigned some of these specimens to a form close to Lynx issiodorensis (Croizet and Jobert, 1828), the latter being now assigned to Caracal, ... Two species, Diamantofelis ferox and D. minor, were erected by Morales et al. The Celtic languages (usually / ˈ k ɛ l t ɪ k /, but sometimes / ˈ s ɛ l t ɪ k / in the US) are a group of related languages descended from Proto-Celtic.They form a branch of the Indo-European language family.