Programmi TV per canali. Mostly in Shirong's point of view. Films. Add interesting content and earn coins. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Images on Fanpop. After he said Po about teaching kung-fu, Shifu swiftly ran to the gate leaving Po behind. Po e Tigre salvano un signore anziano dalle grinfie dei banditi coccodrillo, il quale si scopre essere Shirong, il padre di Shifu... Kung Fu Panda video Add interesting content and earn coins. Add interesting content and earn coins. Forged in Fire - click to open detail panel. added by Tigressfan10689. Games Movies TV Video. (1006477) Photo of Shifu wants to kick Shirong out for fans of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30511705. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club Join New Post. Kung Fu Panda Cyfres 1 Daw ymwelydd annisgwyl i'r Palas Gwyrdd sef Shirong, tad Shiffw ac mae Po yn disgwyl gweld aduniad teuluol cynnes. Add interesting content and earn coins. See image of Malcolm McDowell, the voice of Shirong in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (TV Show). A series of one-shots that show that even Master Shifu was once a little boy. This kung fu panda legends of awesomeness photo might contain sand dollar. He had heard that long after he had left Shifu at the Jade Palace, when he was grown up and a new master to kung fu, he had adopted a young child who was left on the doorstep to the Jade Palace. FANDOM. ... Shirong. Su is the leader of the Ladies of the Shade, a group of traveling females that work as entertainers as a cover-up to the fact that they are actually a group of thieves. Kung Fu Panda 3 Other Appearances Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five. NadineDeer likes this. fotografia of Shirong for fãs of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374902. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club cadastrar-se New Post. Follow/Fav Shirong's Little Boy. Rated T just in case for future updates. Including his own son. Register Start a Wiki. Sinossi. Lots of father and son fluff! Add interesting content and earn coins. 照片 of Shirong for 粉丝 of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374902. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club 加入 New Post. By: RoxAlot22. The panda had always had a soft heart, and though the Furious Five had been trained by a somewhat distant master. Movies Kung Fu Panda. Shifu, who was a friend of Taotie's back then, is shown helping him up. foto of Shirong for fans of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374904. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club registrarse New Post. Explore Fanpop. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Written here is the full transcript of the episode "Father Crime" from the Nickelodeon television series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. Shirong did not hesitate … A series of one-shots that show that even Master Shifu was once a little boy. foto of Shirong for fans of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374904 During Kung Fu Panda, Oogway often called Shifu his "old friend". Although, according to stories, his son certainly had reason to be harsh. Movies Kung Fu Panda. Informazioni. Explore Fanpop. Sinossi. At the start of the short, he dashes with Po to the Gate. Mostly in Shirong's point of view. Daw ymwelydd annisgwyl i'r Palas Gwyrdd sef Shirong, tad Shiffw ac mae Po yn disgwyl gw ... Kung Fu Panda: Legends - click to open detail panel. 1,135 Pages. After he said Po about teaching kung-fu, Shifu swiftly ran to the gate leaving Po behind. Follow/Fav Shirong's Little Boy. Explore Fanpop. Po e Tigre salvano un signore anziano dalle grinfie dei banditi coccodrillo, il quale si scopre essere Shirong, il padre di Shifu... Kung Fu Panda video. Kung Fu Panda 3 Other appearances Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Five Furious. Father and Son team An unexpected visitor arrives at the Jade Palace - … Media. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Images on Fanpop. At the start of the short, he dashes with Po to the Gate. He left Po behind with master Shifu at the Jade Palace, only to see him back after ten years. The panda kids harness their Hero Chi in an epic ball game against the Original Four Constellations. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Images on Fanpop. Shirong, popularly known as the master conman in the Kung Fu Panda universe, conned many significant characters in the show. Don't own characters, just plot. Kung Fu Panda - Mitiche avventure (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) è una serie televisiva a cartoni animati andata in onda su Nickelodeon negli Stati Uniti nel 2011, dopo il successo de I pinguini di Madagascar. Daw ymwelydd annisgwyl i'r Palas Gwyrdd sef Shirong, tad Shiffw ac mae Po yn disgwyl gw... Y Tad a'r Mab. When Po enters the gate, he asks Po to teach them in a Kung-Fu class. The red panda was holding his robe by his right hand, and only fighting with his left, seeing as Shirong had injured his shoulder. Explore Fanpop. Lots of father and son fluff! Kung Fu Panda (25min) Po e Tigre salvano un signore anziano dalle grinfie dei banditi coccodrillo, il quale si scopre essere Shirong, il padre di Shifu... 09:45 Kung Fu Panda (25min) Durante la Festa della Pace, il giovane leopardo Peng da' prova della sua straordinaria abilita' nel Kung Fu. When Po enters the gate, he asks Po to teach them in a Kung-Fu class. Don't own characters, just plot. picha of Shirong for mashabiki of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374902. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club jiunge New Post. Oogway had taken in Shifu as his student after the red panda's father Shirong had left Shifu left him at the Jade Palace doorstep waiting for days, falsely promising to return in five minutes. Explore Fanpop. Tigressfan10689 ^He wasn't smiling, but I'm surprised at how you see that. foto of Shirong for peminat-peminat of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374904 Vote on this Kung Fu Panda poll: Who is your preferito character? Po uses a trick knife to fool Fenghuang into thinking that he had actually killed Master Shifu and then placed Fenghuang into the owl-shaped cage. Rated T just in case for future updates. 2 now streaming! Programmi TV widget ছবি of Shirong for অনুরাগী of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness 30374902. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Club যোগদান New Post. Add new page. Kung Fu Panda. shirong. Kung Fu Panda 2 - click to open detail panel. Talk:Shirong | Kung Fu Panda Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia. Add interesting content and earn coins. This transcript has been separated into three segments, indicated accordingly to the episode's commercial breaks. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Images on Fanpop. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 写真 of Shirong and Shifu for ファン of kung fu panda legends of awesomeness. "Junjie, you will never rule the Jade Palace. Surely you've realized this after failing so many times," Shifu growled, Their fight was so fast, Po looked uncertain as how to break it up and Shirong was weary of hitting his son again. Wikis. Character dialogue lines were originally written by the episode's screenwriter, Doug Langdale. POD Season 1 Pt. Titolo : Kung Fu Panda; Ragazzi e Musica. kung fu panda legends of awesomeness Images on Fanpop. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Explore Fanpop. By: RoxAlot22. NadineDeer Aww even though you can't see his eyes, his smile looks so darn cute.