The Folgore Division was an elite paratrooper force for Italy which had trained hard for the inva-sion of Malta. It is an everlasting tribute to perhaps Italy’s finest soldiers of the Second World War. Regimental Command and HQ Company The British suffered the loss of over 1,100 men, including hundreds forced to surrender to avoid annihilation. However, the four divisions attacking the Folgore positions in the south had also been given breakthrough objectives. He ordered a meaningless retreat that pulled back his defenders from their entrenchments and defensive lines and denied them their artillery support. Over the walls of the Italian El Alamein Memorial, there are these words: "Folgore Division: ... Every year the Italian paratroopers celebrate the recurrence of the El Alamein battle; never a defeat was so glorious. We found 3 results for you in El Alamein Clear all filters. Folgore 04/10/1942 EL ALAMEIN - ELENCO DEI CADUTI ITALIANI TUMULATI NEL SACRARIO (Dal libro "ALAMEIN 1933 - 1962" di Paolo Caccia Dominioni) ANDOLINA Paolo Geniere 14° Comp. The Allied attack began with an artillery barrage, followed by an all out assault by the 7th Armoured and 44th Infantry divisions. But they held the line. The British military leadership reluctantly conceded that although they held a numerical superiority in almost every category over their adversary, they could not defeat the Folgore in this sector with the forces they had so far employed. Throughout the Battle of the Second El Alamein, a tank group from the German 21st Panzer Division, along with elements of the Ariete Armored Division, had stood by in the rear behind the Folgore to act as a reserve to counter any British breakthrough that might occur. Regimental Guns Company (47/32 mod.35), 2nd Parachutist Infantry Battalion, with: Deployment of Forces on October 23rd, 1942 during the Second Battle of El Alamein. HQ Company God of the Armies, La Battaglia di El Alamein (196.9) The Battle of El Alamein part 1/2. Soldiers would engage British armor separated from its infantry support that crossed into the Italian lines. School Command (the Commander was a senior officer of the Air force, the Deputy Commander a senior officer of the Army); 1st Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 April 1941), 2nd Paratroopers Infantry Regiment (raised 1 September 1941), VIII Paratroopers Battalion (re-roled as Paratroopers Sapper unit in May 1942), Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company, II Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), IV Paratroopers Battalion (from 185th Infantry Regiment "Nembo"), I Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with, III Paratroopers Artillery Group (3x batteries with 47/32 cannons), 7th Paratroopers Artillery Battery (47/32 cannons), 20th Mortar Company (81mm Model 35 mortars and M28 Mortars), 185th Mining and Explosives Engineers Company, Corporal Major Antonio ANDRIOLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23 – November 4, 1942, First Lieutenant Roberto BANDINI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, First Lieutenant Ferruccio BRANDI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 24, 1942, Second Lieutenant Pietro BRUNO 132d Transport Regiment, Private Giuseppe CAPPELLETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Private Giacomo CESARONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 29, 1942, Private Leandro FRANCHI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, November 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni GAMBAUDO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, First Lieutenant Marco GOLA, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–24, 1942, Private Gerardo LUSTRISSIMI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Sergeant Major Dario PIRLONE, 185th Artillery Regiment, October 24, 1942, Sergeant Nicola PISTILLO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–25, 1942, Corporal Major Dario PONZECCHI, 185th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26, 1942, Captain Costantino RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 26–27, 1942, Captain Gastone SIMONI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, October 23–27, 1942, Sergeant Major Mario GIARETTO, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 8, 1942, Second Lieutenant Omero LUCCHI, Folgore Division Artillery, August 31 – September 4, 1942, Sapper Clinio MISSERVILLE, 185th Assault Sapper Company, September 10, 1942, Major Aurelio ROSSI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 20 – September 3, 1942, Captain Fabio RUGIADI, 187th Paratroopers Regiment, August 30, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel Carlo Marescotti RUSPOLI, Prince of Poggio Suasa, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, First Lieutenant Giovanni STARACE, Folgore Division, July - November, 1942, Second Lieutenant Giovanni STASSI, 186th Paratroopers Regiment, August 25 – September 2, 1942, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 08:09. Istituto Luce - Cinegiornali di guerra 17 - La Battaglia Di El Alamein E Stalingrado (Sett-Ott1942) Sergio Porcarelli. Accept Read More, Italian Folgore at El Alamein: Unbreakable, Rommel’s Desert War: Waging World War II in North Africa, 1941-1943 (Cambridge Military Histories), Iron Hulls Iron Hearts: Mussolini’s Elite Armoured Divisions in North Africa, The Path to Victory: The Mediterranean Theater in World War II, Pendulum of War: Three Battles at El Alamein, The Battle of Alamein: Turning Point, World War II, Italian Armor in German Service during WW2, Operation Vigorous and Operation Harpoon (1942). Also to Dennis Hussey for his suggestions and in helping to edit the article. To avoid confusion, the battalion-sized artillery units have been called “battalion,” and the composite group as “group.”. To overcome the lack of field artillery (the divisional artillery regiment had only 47L32 AT/IG), the “Folgore” Tactical Artillery Group under Colonel Boffa, formed with the following units : 2nd Battalion/26th Artillery Regiment “Rubicone” (75/27 mod.06 – from the “Pavia” Division) On Amazon: The Battle of Alamein: Turning Point, World War II. 19 talking about this. Email This BlogThis! The focus then shifts upon the Folgore’s major engagement of the campaign during the Battle of El Alamein: 'Operation Lightfoot', which was launched by General Montgomery on 24 October 1942. It would be under the immense historical spotlight of this significant encounter that Italian forces would deliver one of the most epic performances of the entire conflict. The Folgore also sustained a high number of losses after the first night of fighting, particularly the 8th Battalion. The attack on Malta was canceled once Hitler persuaded Mussolini to give his blessing in favor of allowing Rommel the chance to continue his advance. The placement of the Folgore along the line at Second Alamein consisted of three main sectors; north, central and south. 4th Parachutists Artillery Battery (47/32 mod.35), 3rd Parachutist Artillery Battalion, with : Th tower is with marble walls almost as white as the surrounding sand. The main focus for the Allied assault on the southern part of the Axis line during the Lightfoot operation sought the supposedly “weak” Italian-held areas. They further point out that the Axis troops were now openly facing a stronger and more mobile opponent, who would quickly be able to call upon these advantages. Playing next. The British attack began with an artillery barrage, followed by … [3] In late November 1940 was established only one Paratroopers Battalion.[2]. Filter. Regimental Command and HQ battery, 1st Parachutist Artillery Battalion, with : However, their performance, bravery, and courage have ensured that their legend is now immortal. The first Italian paratrooper units were trained and formed shortly before World War II in Castel Benito, near Tripoli in Libya, where the first Military Parachuting School was located. 19th Parachutists Rifle Company On the same date the Paratroopers Division Artillery Regiment was activated. After the opening artillery bombardment, soldiers from the 1st Free French Brigade, 1st Greek Brigade, plus armor and infantry from the 7th Armored Division, slammed into the Folgore’s positions in an attempt to overwhelm its defenders and break into the rear of the Axis line. 55:29. 17th Parachutists Rifle Company Highly skilled soldiers of the heavy AA/AT artillery battalion of the “Ariete” Armored Division manned the 88s. Additionally a seventh battery was formed with surplus materiel found by the division during its transfer to the front. Others believe that Rommel simply lost his nerve. In fact, the path leads uphill to a tower . During the battle of Alam El Hafla, the Italian Airborne Division Folgore (185.a Divisione Paracadutisti “Folgore”) had been positioned to guard the left flank of the German 90th Light Division and the Ramcke Brigade and was successful in driving off an attack by New Zealand Infantry during a fierce encounter between the 3rd and 4th of September. Did the Italians have an Effective Navy during... Italian East Africa Theatre in World War II, Battle of Cape Spartivento on 27 November 1940, Caproni Campini N.1: World’s Second Jet Aircraft, Giovanni Messe: Italy’s Best WWII General. Estimates range from 60 to 120 vehicles destroyed or immobilized during the engagement. HQ Company HQ Battery the path to honor and glory. He wanted nothing of material value to fall into the enemy’s hands. Their exhausted soldiers possessed minimal ammunition and supplies. 139 reviews #1 of 3 Sights & Landmarks in El Alamein "The cemetary is quite well kept, even though its in the middle of sandy desert, with a bit of greenery in between the graves." Italian Folgore Division paratroopers dug in with a 37mm cannon at El Alamein. “Bechi” Tactical Group (2nd and 4th Battalions) Rommel’s extensive use of mines in both number and depth at the Second Battle of Alamein earned these lethal patches of the earth the nickname of “the Devil’s Garden” by the advancing British forces. He hoped this philosophy would inflict severe damage to the advancing Axis forces while sparing his armor from the expected pounding in tank versus tank combat – an arena in which the Germans held the advantage. 47:37. Caduti per un’idea, senza rimpianto, onorati nel ricordo dello stesso nemico, He felt both angry and embarrassed at being captured by Italians. 1st Parachutists Artillery Battery (47/32 mod.35) The German cemetery is an ossuary, built in the style of a medieval fortress. Map. The fighting during First El Alamein petered out less than two months earlier, ending in what many consider a stalemate between the opposing sides. While Montgomery’s main thrust targeted the northern section of the whole Axis front, the fighting in the south would be just as intense. The Folgore Division [paratroopers] at the Second Battle of El Alamein. British armored car squadrons continued to attack the retreating soldiers, whose exhaustion from lack of food, water, and the strain of battle increased by the hour. 3rd Parachutists Artillery Battery (47/32 mod.35) HQ Company Probably ???? Dedicato all'amico Luca A. Documentario con le testimonianze dei soldati italiani reduci dalla battaglia di El Alamein. During the Second battle of El Alamein the Folgore Division was under attack from three British divisions 44th (Home Counties) Infantry Division, 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, 7th Armoured Division, and the 1st Free French Brigade. Inscribed on the walls of the Italian Memorial at El Alamein are the words below. All rights reserved. The Italian Folgore would hold its ground and proved victorious, with the attackers only able to gain a minimal amount of ground. Italian WWII Airborne Units by Vince Tassone, March 2005 [4] The division initially was organized as follows: For reasons of order of precedence the title I Paratroopers Battalion was reserved for the I Carabinieri Paratroopers Battalion. A Net Inceptions project. More of this material would be welcome. The Italian El Alamein Memorial or ‘Sacrario italiano a El Alamein’ is a white octagonal monument to the 4,800 Italian soldiers who died in the 1942 Battle of El Alamein and those approximately 38,000 missing. Military cemeteries Germany. It was designed to break through the Italian-held southern sector of the El Alamein line, where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the Axis right flank. The 4th Battalion covered the perimeter locations in this sector. Using Ultra intercepts that forewarned the upcoming Axis operation, Montgomery prepared a new defensive alignment to support his change in the 8th Army’s philosophy on the use of its armor. | Privacy Policy | Contact us. 3rd Battalion/132nd Artillery Regiment “Ariete” (90/53 mod.41 – from the “Ariete” Division) Instead of a sea of gravestones, you find yourself at the beginning of a long path. The regiment took command of the three paratroopers artillery groups, which each fielded two batteries with four 47/32 cannons per battery. At El-Alamein, throughout several engagements, the paratroopers were either able to resist the attacks made upon them or, when the Allied forces had been successful in completely wiping out the first line of Folgore outposts, to reform again, usually counterattacking. After the end of the Cold War the Italian Army decided to rename the battalions in the brigade as regiments for historical reasons. 28th Parachutists Rifle Company CAPAR - caserma "Gamerra" di Pisa, sede del Centro Addestramento Paracadutismo, la tradizionale cerimonia di consegna del brevetto di paracadutismo a 100 allievi del 55° corso di formazione ed addestramento basico per aviotruppe. Months before finding themselves locked into one of the greatest battles of the war, the Folgore Division were to participate in the planned assault on the island fortress of Malta. Montgomery’s new plan shunned past British doctrine of sending it’s armor out to engage Axis tanks ‘in the open.’ Instead, the valuable tanks were to stay ‘protected’ in the distance and fulfill an ‘anti-tank’ role. The division trained alongside its German counterparts in preperation for the airborne assualt on Malta, which was to be never carried out. [6] When the division arrived in Africa the three artillery groups of the 185th Artillery Regiment "Folgore" were merged into two artillery groups of three batteries each, thus providing one group for each infantry regiment, which in turn could now provide one battery to each battalion of a regiment. The 8th “Guastatori” Parachutist Battalion was an infantry “Guastatori” unit. Many military historians consider the Battle of El Alamein as one of World War Two’s critical turning points. Directed by Duilio Coletti. Nor did they find men clamoring for aid or comfort from the victors. The British found the warriors standing at ridged attention with their arms at their sides, staring resolutely forward, defeated but not bowed. Dio degli Eserciti, They immediately took him and several of his aides captive at gunpoint. Provisional Battalion/ 155th Artillery Regiment (8,8cm Flak 37, 10cm K18 and 21cm K38 – from the Geman 21st Panzerdivision). With the British Desert Air Force pounding his troops from above and his supply situation critical, Rommel called for a general retreat to prepare his defensive line for the inevitable British counter. AckuBruce8504. 15th Parachutists Rifle Company, 6th Parachutist Infantry Battalion, with: HMSO 1966], The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume IV: The Destruction of the Axis Forces in Africa. They often answered the request with gunfire directed at the British or solely with shouts of “Folgore.”. As was heavier firepower in the form of attached Italian 75mm and 88mm guns. It was designed to break through the Italian-held southern sector of the El Alamein line, where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the Axis right flank. The focus then shifts upon the Folgore’s major engagement of the campaign during the Battle of El Alamein: 'Operation Lightfoot', which was launched by General Montgomery on 24 October 1942. In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front. HQ Battery 185th Transports unit The divisional artillery disbanded the 2nd Battalion and split among the Tactical Groups, together with the other divisional assets. 2nd Parachutists Artillery Battery (47/32 mod.35), 2nd Parachutist Artillery Battalion, with : Dispatched from the 186th Regiment was a 47mm ATG company to accompany two gun and two mortar platoons, who assumed positions in the center of this section. The Macchi MC.202 Folgore or "Thunder bolt" was a single seat fighter that was used by Italy during World War II. 30th Parachutists Rifle Company, 187th Parachutist Infantry Regiment, with: These soldiers made their way back into Tunisia. The 185th Artillery, 186th Paratroopers and 187th Paratroopers regiments received a second Gold Medal for specific actions during the Second Battle of El Alamein. The Italian battalions utilized roman numerals (IV, IX, XXI, etc.). Before the departing for North Africa the 185th Infantry Regiment "Folgore" and 187th Infantry Regiment "Folgore" switched units: the 185th ceded the more experienced II and IV to 187th, which in turn ceded the VIII and X to the 185th. Special thanks to Arturo Filippo Lorioli for providing both historical information and content, not to mention the finely constructed OOB. On 7 November, the commander of the British 44th Infantry Division, General Hughes, made an effort to meet with the Folgore’s commander, General Frattini. This is an incredible amount when one compares the mismatch in firepower employed. I feel that the battle accounts are similar to the ones in Montanari’s The Three Battle of Alamein. Operation Lightfoot launched on 24 October 1942, was designed to break through The weak Italian-held southern sector of the Alamein line where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and FolgoreDivisions anchored the right flank. The 8th formed its position just south of El Alamein, and it would be here that they would face Rommel’s weakened, but still dangerous force, in the next round of their epic encounter. The 185th Paratroopers Division Folgore at El Alamein fought with incredible courage and tenacity. My Father served in the Pacific with 710 Tank BTL at Anguar, Peleliu, and the Philippines. Historians differ on the merit of this decision. Therefore, the battalions in the Paratroopers Brigade "Folgore" were given the names of the regiments of the former 185th Paratroopers Division "Folgore". We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Their ability to bring down accurate and often deadly fire to separate enemy armor from their infantry support made their role indispensable. [1], By 1939 there were two Libyan Paratroopers Battalions. Book and Link References: 1 National (i.e. Fra le sabbie non più deserte The strength of the book is the personal accounts, the discussion of the training, and the quoting of doctrinal manuals. Divisione Paracadutisti Folgore (185. [4] The Division held back countless attacks from tanks with use of homemade incendiary's to usage of hand grenades and firing of the M28 grenade launchers at tanks. [6], In North Africa the division participated in the First and Second Battle of El Alamein. "FOLGORE" in Italian means Lightning. By the end of September, the Folgore found themselves locked in battle contested in the Egyptian desert’s blowing sands. Some praise Rommel’s tactic as sound and perhaps the only option he had to avoid the risk of having his entire army destroyed where they stood. HQ Battery The Desert Fox was defeated. 20th Logistical section The Folgore troops to the south were now in danger of being cut off or surrounded because of the breached northern line. Sort by: Traveler Ranked. Operation C3, scheduled for the spring of 1942, would provide the Folgore a crucial role in the Axis plan to wrest control the critical Island from the British. History of the Second World War; United Kingdom Military Series. [8] On 15 March 1942 the 3rd Paratroopers Infantry Regiment with the battalions VIII, IX, and X was raised in Tarquinia.[6]. Having been driven east by Axis forces in 1942, the British had established a strong defensive line at El Alamein, Egypt. Among the sand no longer deserted essi additano agli italiani, nella buona e nell’avversa fortuna, 1st Battalion/21th Artillery Regiment “Po” (100/17 mod.16 – from the “Trieste” Division) The British committed a sizable force to battle, including the Green Howards Rgt., 4/8th Hussars Btn., and the Royal West Kent, to break through the Italian defense to engage the German positions behind the initial Folgore sector. Italian paratroopers. 20th Parachutists Rifle Company Diverting to the shadow of Alam el Halfa, Montgomery ‘sprung the trap’ that waited patiently for them. With Fausto Tozzi, Ettore Manni, Monica Clay, Aldo Bufi Landi. welcome the ghosts of these boys in that corner of heaven Storia del Paracadutismo Militare Italiano - Paracadutisti Monza. They charged forward, engaging the unsupported British tanks or vehicles at close range. Italian War Memorial El Alamein is like the Commonwealth Cemetery. To aid in the raising of the 183rd Infantry Regiment "Nembo" the 185th ceded its X Paratroopers Battalion to the 183rd and raised the XI Paratroopers Battalion in its stead. che riserbi ai martiri ed agli Eroi. Folgore nella Battaglia di El-Alamein. Rommel at first agreed, but after Clifton attempted an escape during a German interrogation, Rommel changed his mind, and the General transferred to Italy for internment. The British 132nd Infantry Brigade/44th Inf. pub. The attack never happened. © 2000-2019 Comando Supremo. Div and French forces were once again repelled on 27 October 1942. El Alamein was a battle that was lost with great honour, facing up to overwhelmingly superior fire power with poor weapons but with great spirit and … They also used their 47mm Anti-tank guns from enfilade positions and Molotov cocktails to knock out advancing armor. Many Folgore gave their lives in the desert that year. It is still unclear if the company attached to the “Folgore” division was parachute-trained, or not (like the other non-combat divisional support units). by Michele Armellini . On 1 September 1941 the Royal Italian Army raised the 1st Paratroopers Division in Tarquinia. W. Churchill After the war the combat group became the Mechanized Division "Folgore", which was disbanded on 31 October 1986. [2], The 2-months[2] Instructors course began in March 1940. However, all that was achieved at a high casualty rate was a small salient, which was soon recaptured. On 23 October 1942, Montgomery began his much anticipated Allied offensive. 185th Medical section “Tantillo” Tactical Group (5th and 6th Battalions). 20th Supply section Section 107 specifies usage of copyright material falls under Fair Use when it is applied for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and research. Italian Paratrooper Badge. FOLGORE: ITALIAN PARATROOPERS AT EL-ALAMEIN . The British lost a staggering amount of armor. (PL), 2nd Cavalry Division Emanuele Filiberto Testa di Ferro, 3rd Cavalry Division Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta, 21st Infantry Division Granatieri di Sardegna, 22nd Infantry Division Cacciatori delle Alpi, 40th Infantry Division Cacciatori d'Africa, 65th Infantry Division Granatieri di Savoia,, Military units and formations established in 1941, Military units and formations disestablished in 1943, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 3rd Battalion/1st “Celere” Artillery Regiment (75/27 mod.06 – from the “Brescia” Division) Operations against the Italians temporarily halted. The division was sent to Africa and fought in the Battle of El Alamein with the following structure:[16]. 185th Mixed Miners-Construction Engineers Company, 8th “Guastatori” Parachutist Battalion, with : The center section of the Italian line lay by the 7th and 8th “Guastatori,” and several detachments of infantry provided by the Pavia Division. Italian and German engineers in the area worked diligently to strengthen the existing minefield created by the British but was now in Axis hands, to provide a daunting defensive obstacle in front of their positions. The surviving troops had collectively expended almost every piece of ammunition they had possessed to hold the British at bay. 11th Parachutists Rifle Company The goal of operation Brandung was for the forces of the Italian-German Panzerarmee Afrika to outflank and then engage the British 8th Army, now under the commanded of General Bernard Montgomery. They not only best the opposition solely by their courage, but they often out-fought them through superior military aptitude. for the eternity are here as a garrison the boys of the Folgore Hitler agreed with his ‘favorite’ General over the objections of the whole Italian Comando Supremo, who felt that a push towards the Suez was unfeasible on logistical grounds. Many Folgore gave their lives in the desert that year. View Map. The British could not break through as planned. For its conduct during the Second Battle of El Alamein the division as whole was awarded a Gold Medal of Military Valor. Comando Supremo is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. [10][11] Operation Lightfoot, launched on 24 October 1942, was designed to break through the weak Italian-held southern sector of the Alamein line where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the right flank. In a preview of what would come to pass at Second El Alamein, the soldiers of the 185th Folgore Division, particularly members of the 9th Btn, delivered an impressive defensive victory, mauling the British in this encounter. Gamesquad. Italian War Memorial Inscription at El Alamein. Directed by Guido Malatesta. 25th Parachutists Rifle Company They joined the newly formed 285th Parachutist Battalion Folgore and continued the struggle for their beloved Italy. accogli gli spiriti di questi ragazzi in quell’angolo di cielo 5th Parachutists Rifle Company It was designed to break through the Italian-held southern sector of the El Alamein line, where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the Axis right flank. The others were killed or captured during battle or in retreat. In the early morning darkness of 2 November 1942, the next phase of Montgomery’s plan, Operation Supercharge, began. On Amazon: Pendulum of War: Three Battles at El Alamein [2], After quarrels,[2] in 1937 paratroopers schools were assigned by law to the Regia Aeronautica. It was designed to break through the Italian-held southern sector of the El Alamein line, where the Bologna, Brescia, Pavia and Folgore Divisions anchored the Axis right flank. The Italian artillery battalions were named “Gruppo” (Group). El Alamein has a war museum with artifacts from North African battles. [6], In 1942 the division was further augmented: on 15 January the II Paratroopers Artillery Group was raised, followed by the III Paratroopers Artillery Group on 10 March. This upcoming confrontation, The Second Battle of El Alamein, would be considered one of the critical turning points of the entire war. History. Upon finding General Frattini amongst the captured Folgore, he saluted and expressed the highest of praise for the Folgore’s gallantry in combat. Parachute Division Folgore). The Folgore was a tightly knit and highly skilled unit, and they possessed perhaps the greatest ‘esprit de corps’ of any Italian division during the war. The decision to retreat condemned many Italians to capture by Montgomery’s pursuing Eighth Army. Rommel, defying Hitler’s explicit command to stand his ground, ordered all Axis forces to fall back on the night of 2-3 November 1942. 27th Parachutists Rifle Company, 10th Parachutist Infantry Battalion, with: Browse more videos. “DOBBIAMO INCHINARCI DAVANTI AI RESTI DI QUELLI CHE FURONO I LEONI DELLA FOLGORE“. [3] School personnel was drawn from the Air force, while personnel to instruct consisted of Royal Italian Army officers and sub-officers. With Fausto Tozzi, Rossana Rory, Gabriele Tinti, Matteo Spinola. The men could hold out no longer. On 30 August 1942, General Erwin Rommel unleashed Operation Brandung, a concentrated attack undertaken by his Deutsch-Italienische Panzerarmee (ACIT – Armata Corazzata Italo-Tedesca) against the tired yet stout British and Commonwealth forces, designed as a follow-up engagement launched on the heels of the recently concluded First Battle of El Alamein . Sights & Landmarks. The 8th Army’s victory here helped to lead to ultimate Allied triumph. During the latter division put up a fierce defense against attacking Commonwealth forces, managing to drive repeated attacks conducted by tanks and infantry. Several times during the retreat, British officers called out through loudspeakers across the endless sand, asking for the Italians to surrender.